
Clin II Final 2


Question: One respiration consists of

a)one inhalation
b)one exhalation
c)one inhalation and one exhalation
d)the opening and closing of the valves of the heart
Answer: c)one inhalation and one exhalation

Question: The normal respiratory rate of an adult ranges between

a)8 and 16 respirations per minute
b)10 and 18 respirations per minute
c)12 and 20 respirations per minute
d)16 and 22 respirations per minute
Answer: c)16 and 22 respirations per minute

Question: What type of breathing may occur with a panic attack?

Answer: c)hyperventilation

Question: Normal blood pressure for an adult is

b)less than 120/80
c)110 to 140/60 to 90
d)70 to 80 beats per minute
Answer: b)less than 120/80

Question: Over which artery is the stethoscope normally placed when taking blood pressure?

Answer: b)brachial


Question: A snellen eye test is conducted at a distance of

a)30 inches
b)10 feet
c)20 feet
d)40 feet
Answer: c)20 feet

Question: Which of the following positions is used to perform a pelvic examination?

b)dorsal recumbent
e)all of the above
Answer: c)lithotomy

Question: Which of the following is included in a pelvic examination?

a)inspection of the external genitalia, vagina, and cervix
b)collection of a specimen for a Pap test
c)bimanual pelvic examination
d)rectal-vaginal examination
e)all of the above
Answer: e)all of the above

Question: What is the purpose of prenatal care?

a)to prevent disease
b)to promote health
c)to provide prenatal instruction
d)to detect any problems early in the pregnancy
e)all of the above
Answer: e)all of the above

Question: In preparation for a gynecologic examination, the patient should be instructed

a)to emply her bladder, if needed
b)to completely undress
c)to wear the examining gown with the opening in the front
d)to breathe deeply, slowly, and evenly during the exam
e)all of the above
Answer: e)all of the above

Wellness Visits

Question: Which of the following is not included in a well-child visit?

a)administration of immunizations
b)physical examination
c)injection of an antibiotic
d)evaluation of growth and development
Answer: c)injection of an antibiotic

Question: How is an infant's length measured?

a)the child lies in a supine position
b)the child stands with his/her back to the measuring device
c)the child sits in a chair with both feet flat on the floor
d)the child lies in a prone position
Answer: a)the child lies in a supinep position

Question: Growth charts are used to

a)assess the child's growth pattern
b)compare the child's growth with that of other children of the same age
c)identify children with growth abnormalities
d)all of the above
Answer: d)all of the above

Question: What immunizations are included in a DTap injection?

a)diphtheria, polio, tetanus
b)dysentery, pertussis, mumps
c)diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus
d)diphtheria, rubella, rubeola
Answer: c)diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus

Question: What immunizations are included in a MMR injection?

a)meningitis, mumps, rubella
b)measles, mumps, rubella
c)measles, mumps, chickenpox
d)measles, hepatitis, rubella
Answer: b)measles, mumps, rubella

Blood Pressure

Question: Blood pressure measures

a)the contraction and relaxation of the heart
b)the number of times the heart beats per minute
c)the force exerted on the walls of the arteries by the blood
d)the expansion and recoiling of the aorta
Answer: c)the force exerted on the walls of the arteries by the blood

Question: The phase in the cardiac cycle in which the heart relaxes between contractions is known as

c)pulse pressure
d)compression ratio
Answer: a)diastole

Question: The systolic blood pressure represents the

a)pressure in the arteries when the ventricles contract
b)pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes
c)pressure in the arteries when the atria contract
d)the movement of air through the circulatory system
Answer: a)pressure in the arteries when the ventricles contract

Question: Blood pressure is measured in

a)millimeters of water
c)beats per minute
d)millimeters of mercury
Answer: d)millimeters of mercury

Question: When measuring blood pressure, the first clear tapping sound represents

a)the systolic pressure
b)phase IV of the Korotkoff sounds
c)the diastolic pressure
d)the palpatory blood pressure reading
Answer: a)the systolic pressure

Extra Stuff

Question: Microorganisms can be transmitted through

a)water vapor from the lungs
c)contaminated equipment
d)all of the above
Answer: d)all of the above

Question: The purpose of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard is to

a)improve the quality of laboratory testing in the United States
b)protect public health and the environment outside the workplace
c)reduce the risk of infectious diseases to employees
d)prevent exposure of employees to bloodborne pathogens
Answer: c)reduce the risk of infectious diseases to employees

Question: All of the following are considered other potentially infectious materials (OPIMs) except

a)any body fluid visibly contaminated with blood
b)vaginal secretions
c)tears and sweat
Answer: c)tears and sweat

Question: Which of the following is true regarding MSDS?

a)it provides information regarding hazardous chemicals
b)it must be kept on file for each chemical stored in the workplace
c)it must be readily available to employees
d)all of the above
Answer: d)all of the above

Question: During ear irrigation, which of the following techniques is performed to prevent injury to the tympanic membrane?
a)cleansing the outer ear
b)straightening the external ear canal
c)injecting the irrigating solution toward the roof of the ear canal
d)placing a cotton wick loosely in the ear canal
Answer: c)injecting the irrigating solution toward the roof of the ear canal