
Chapter 6


Question: What is the maximum? (multiple choice question)
(a) the smallest value
(b) the middle value 
(c) the largest value
(d) the most frequent value

Answer: (c) the largest value

Question: Create a stem-and-leaf plot of the following data. Make sure to label your parts (place-value).

13,  20,  21,  15,  30,  16,  28,  25,  27,  32,  27


Question: Add or subtract. Simply your answer.

1 - (2/3) = ?

Answer: 1/3

Question: Choose the most healthy snack from the following.

orange juice,  peanut butter sandwich, kale,  99% cacao chocolate  

Answer: kale

Question: Add. Simply your answer.

1 (2/3) + 1/2 = ?

Answer: 2 (1/6)


Question: What is the mode? (multiple choice question)
(a) the smallest value
(b) the middle value 
(c) the largest value
(d) the most frequent value

Answer: (d) the most frequent value

Question: The result of the survey on favorite types of books for fifth graders were: 
adventure books: 39%
mystery books: 30%
comedies: 20%
other: 11%

If 100 students answered the survey, how many of them chose other?

Answer: 11 students

Question: Add or subtract. Simply your answer.

15/16 - 5/16 = ?

Answer: 5/8

Question: Eric has 1/2 yard of ribbon. The project he is making requires 7/8 yard. How much more ribbon does he need?
Answer: 3/8 yard

Question: Add. Simply your answer.

4 (3/8) + 2(1/6) = ?

Answer: 6 (13/24)


Question: What is range? (multiple choice question)
(a) the smallest value
(b) the middle value 
(c) the largest value
(d) the difference of maximum and minimum value

Answer: (d) the difference of maximum and minimum value

Question: The result of the survey on favorite types of books for fifth graders were: 
adventure books: 39%
mystery books: 30%
comedies: 20%
other: 11%

If 10 students answered the survey, how many of them chose comedies?

Answer: 2 students

Question: Add or subtract. Simply your answer.

2/8 + 10/16 = ?

Answer: 7/8

Question: Rewrite the fraction pair with the "least" common denominators.

3/4 and 1/6

Answer: 9/12 and 2/12

Question: Subtract. Simply your answer.

1 (2/3) - 1/2 = ?

Answer: 1 (1/6)


Question: What is the median? (multiple choice question)
(a) the smallest value
(b) the middle value 
(c) the largest value
(d) the most frequent value

Answer: (b) the middle value

Question: The result of the survey on favorite types of books for fifth graders were: 
adventure books: 39%
mystery books: 30%
comedies: 20%
other: 11%

If 50 students answered the survey, how many of them chose mysteries?

Answer: 15 students

Question: Add or subtract. Simply your answer.

2/3 + 3/8 = ?

Answer: 1 (1/24)

Question: Subtract. Simplify your answer.

5/6 - 1/8 = ?

Answer: 17/24

Question: Subtract. Simply your answer.

5 (6/7) - 4 (5/6) = ?

Answer: 1 (1/42)


Question: Find the mean of the following data.
7,  3,  8,  7,  6,  5

Answer: 6

Question: What are the five main materials you need to bring on the day of the quiz?
Answer: pencil, eraser, student journal, geometry template, and an independent reading book

Question: Add or subtract. Simply your answer.

4/5 + 7/8 = ?

Answer: 1 (27/40)

Question: Round 18.27 to the nearest tenth.
Answer: 18.3

Question: Subtract. Simply your answer.

3 (1/2) - 2 (1/5) = ?

Answer: 1 (3/10)