
game show of randomness

blue (either dark or light)

Question: who made the first dictionary
Answer: Robert Cawdrey made the first dictionary

Question: what was dissents first fully animated film
Answer: Snow white and the seven dwarfs

Question: what was the first movie to have color.
Answer: The wizard of OZ

Question: what was the first planet to be discovered by telescope
Answer: Uranus

Question: what is the opposite of blue on a color weal
Answer: orange


Question: who is currently leading Michael Jordan in points
Answer: Kobe Bryant

Question: if you have 100 people pick a color what will most of them pick
Answer: Red

Question: when should you grow most plants
Answer: Spring

Question: what day of the year does winter begin
Answer: December, 21

Question: what day of the year does summer begin
Answer: June, 21

green or yellow

Question: Who invented the telephone and in what year
Answer: Alexander gran bell in 1887

Question: what are the ingredients to fresh toast
Answer: Eggs and bread

what continent has the fewest plants

Answer: Antarctica

Question: how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
Answer: A wood chuck would chuck all the wood it could if a would chuck could chuck wood

Question: who invented the first assembly line?
Answer: Henry Ford

pink or purple

Question: what is a baby whale called 
Answer: A calf

Question: Who made google
Answer: Larry Page and Sergey Brin

Question: Who made firefox
Answer: Mozilla

Question: Who made safari
Answer: Apple

Question: What was the first video game
Answer: pong


Question: Who invented the tv
Answer: Walter Bruch

Question: what is the periodic table name for water
Answer: H2o

Question: what do scientists think dogs came from
Answer: wolves or foxes

Question: where was the first candy bar invented
Answer: Britain

Question: who made the bath tub
Answer: John Michael Kohler