
The Age of Jefferson


Question: Native American who joined the Lewis and Clark expedition as a guide.
Answer: Sacagawea

Question: This person shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel.
Answer: Aaron Burr

Question: This Native American tribe tried to adjust peacefully to white American settlers
Answer: Cherokee

Question: Chief Justice who helped extend the power of the Supreme Court
Answer: John Marshall

Question: This person wrote "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"
Answer: Washington Irving


Question: These were located in women's homes, where they taught reading and writing
Answer: dame schools

Question: Students painted nature scenes from the Catskill Mountains at this school
Answer: Hudson River School

Question: A port that shipped Southern agricultural goods to Northern and European markets
Answer: New Orleans

Question: The area stretched from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains
Answer: Louisiana Territory

Question: Why did Jefferson purchase the Louisiana Territory?
Answer: Because the Mississippi River was an important trade route

courts and stuff

Question: "let people do as they choose"
Answer: laissez-faire

Question: Who led the first expedition into the Louisiana Territory?
Answer: Lewis and Clark

Question: During the 1800s, most Americans lived in what types of areas?
Answer: rural areas

Question: How did Jefferson assert some control over the judiciary branch?
Answer: By withholding some Supreme Court commissions and filling vacancies.

Question: Which court case upheld the sanctity of contracts?
Answer: Fletcher v. Peck

Election and Slavery

Question: Why did the candidates in the election of 1800 write letters to leading citizens and newspapers?
Answer: to publicize their views

Question: True or False:
Free African Americans in the North were had the same rights as the the white people in the North.

Answer: False

Question: The following reasons; camp meetings were accessible and understandable to everyone, the democratic idea that all people were equal before God, the promise that all believers would be saved,  made what popular?
Answer: The Second Great Awakening

Question: Why had slavery been outlawed in most Northern States by 1804?
Answer: Farming in the north did not depend on slave labor.

Question: Why did many African Americans convert to Christianity in the early 1800s?
Answer: because the Second Great Awakening preached a message of equality before God

Early American Culture

Question: True or False.

Early American culture embraced European influences

Answer: False

Question: This story features a headless horseman
Answer: "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"

Question: How much did the United States pay for the Louisiana Territory?
Answer: 15 million

Question: Who did the United States purchase the Louisiana Territory from?
Answer: France

Question: Who wrote "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle"
Answer: Washington Irving