
African kingdoms

early African civilization ( true or false)

Several distinct cultures and ways of life developed in Africa because the continent is so large and has many different climates and vegetation.

Answer: true

Question: . Northern Africa is dominated by the Gobi, the largest desert in the world
Answer: false

Anthropologists think that the first humans lived in East Africa.

Answer: true

Question: The majority of Africa’s people live in the Sahel.
Answer: false

Question: Many African societies developed village-based cultures based on family groups and age-sets.
Answer: true

early African civilization (true or false)

A griot was a storyteller whose job was to remember and pass on oral traditions to the next generations.

Answer: true

The Bantu were one of the first African societies to practice iron working

Answer: false

The Bantu-speaking peoples developed complex social systems, and status in their society was often based on the size of one’s cattle herds.

Answer: true


Question: Both the Hausa city-states and the kingdom of Benin exported
Answer: slaves

trading States of east Africa

Question: Aksum’s location was ideal for
Answer: trade

Question: What religion came to Aksum in the 300s
Answer: Christianity

Question: Which of the following statements concerning Ethiopia is not correct?
Answer: Muslim forces conquered Ethiopia in the 1300s.

Question: What allowed sailors to move around the Indian Ocean and develop a trade network that linked East Africa with Persia, Arabia, India, and Southeast Asia?


Question: What foreign goods were traded in the coastal city-states’ markets?

Answer: glassware, porcelain,silk

Trading states of east africa

Question: What two languages blended together to form Swahili?
Answer: Arabic and a Bantu language

Question: Why do scholars think that Great Zimbabwe was a part of Africa’s thriving trade network?

Answer: Archeologists found glass beads and gold coins at the Great Zimbabwe site.Great Zimbabwe’s location allowed it to serve as a middleman for trade between Africa’s interior and the coastal city-states.

Question: Why did the people of Great Zimbabwe abandon their city?

Question: What was West Africa’s most valuable resource?

Answer: Gold

Question: What kingdom controlled nearly all of the trade in gold and salt in sub-Saharan Africa?
Answer: Ghana

kingdoms in west Africa

Question: What leader performed a hajj, giving away a fortune in gold and returning with artists and architects?
Answer: Mansa Musa

Question: What city was West Africa’s chief center of education, religion, and culture?
Answer: Timbuktu

Question: The Songhai grew rich trading along what river in Africa?
Answer: Niger River

Question: What was the capital of the Songhai Empire?

Answer: Gao

Question: he Hausa city-states, Yoruba kingdoms, and the kingdom of Benin did not grow as powerful as the Mali or Songhai because of their location; they could not control or profit from trade across the
Answer: Sahara