
Unit Two Jeopardy Review

Ch.7: Egypt Kush and Canaan

Question: How was the Jordan River different from the Nile River?

A. It was salt water.
B. It was home to many fish.
C. It did not flood regularly.
D. It did not have a strong current.
Answer: C. It did not flood regularly.

Question: Which of the following is an element of ancient Egypt’s topography?

A. a mild climate
B. a river valley
C. the fertility of the soil
D. the length of the growing season
Answer: B. a river valley

Question: How did ancient Egyptian settlements benefit by being surrounded by desert?

A. The desert had good land for growing crops.
B. The desert made trade and travel easy.
C. The desert offered protection from invaders.
D. The desert had plants sheep could graze on.
Answer: C. The desert offered protection from invaders.

Question: One physical feature was most important to ancient settlers in Egypt and Kush. Because of
how important it was, people settled

A. near a river.
B. on hills.
C. around trees.
D. in a desert.
Answer: A. near a river.

Question: How did ancient Egyptians and Kushites benefit when the Nile River flooded?

A. The floods made it easier to keep enemies away.
B. The floods helped the leaders to stay in power.
C. The floods left silt behind that was good for farming.
D. The floods kept the two civilizations separate from each other.
Answer: C. The floods left silt behind that was good for farming.

Ch. 8: Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs

Question: What is one characteristic that Egypt’s Middle Kingdom is famous for?

A. the Great Pyramid at Giza
B. reunification
C. pharaohs
D. the war against the Hittites
Answer: B. reunification

Question: It was built as a tomb from more than 2 million stone blocks. What was it?

A. the Great Pyramid at Giza
B. the Sphinx
C. the White Chapel
D. the temple at Abu Simbel
Answer: A. the Great Pyramid at Giza

Question: What was the most important architectural achievement of Senusret’s reign?

A. the reunification of Egypt
B. the increase of trade
C. the creation of beautiful jewelry
D. the building of the White Chapel
Answer: D. the building of the White Chapel

Question: Which of the following pharaohs ruled before the
other three?

A. Hatshepsut
B. Khufu
C. Ramses II
D. Senusret I
Answer: B. Khufu

Question: Of the events listed below, which was the last to happen?

A. The White Chapel was built.
B. Ramses II made peace with the Hittites.
C. The Great Pyramid at Giza was built.
D. Hatshepsut promoted trade with Punt.
Answer: B. Ramses II made peace with the Hittites.

Ch. 9: Daily Life in Ancient Egypt

Question: What does the social pyramid show about Egypt’s social classes?

A. The fewest number of people were in the highest classes.
B. There were more rich than poor people in Egypt.
C. The largest number of people were in the artisan classes.
D. There were many people advising the pharaoh.
Answer: A. The fewest number of people were in the highest classes.

Question: It took a long time to become a scribe because

A. it was difficult to write on papyrus.
B. there were so few teachers to train people.
C. it was difficult to find time to study.
D. there were so many hieroglyphs to learn.
Answer: D. there were so many hieroglyphs to learn.

Question: If you were a peasant and wanted to raise your status, what one route might be open to you?

A. to marry an official
B. to work for the rich
C. to take care of a temple
D. to become a scribe
Answer: D. to become a scribe

Question: Why did ancient Egyptians believe having social classes was a good idea?

A. They believed there wasn’t enough money for everyone.
B. They believed society worked when people knew their roles.
C. They believed Egypt should focus on Egyptians rather than fight wars.
D. They believed there would not be enough farmers without
Answer: B. They believed society worked when people knew their roles.

Question: It is surprising that members of which group had as many rights as they did in ancient Egypt?

A. the poor
B. the uneducated
C. women
D. children
Answer: C. women

Ch. 10: The Kingdom of Kush

Question: What technology enabled Assyria to conquer Kush?

A. fire
B. charcoal
C. running water
D. iron weapons
Answer: D. iron weapons

Question: What was one result of Egypt conquering Kush during the New Kingdom?

A. Egyptians chose to worship Kush gods.
B. Kushites adopted Egyptian ways of life.
C. Egyptian civilization became very powerful.
D. Kush civilization disappeared completely.
Answer: B. Kushites adopted Egyptian ways of life.

Question: What was one result of Egypt’s New Kingdom collapsing?

A. Egyptians became slaves to Kushites.
B. Egypt and Kush became trade partners.
C. Egyptians settled along the Nile River.
D. Egypt and Kush united into one kingdom.
Answer: D. Egypt and Kush united into one kingdom.

Question: What did Kush do after conquering Egypt?

A. conquered Assyria
B. restored Egypt’s glory
C. conquered Canaan
D. restored Egypt’s government
Answer: B. restored Egypt’s glory

Question: Who was the king who brought Egypt and Kush together?

A. Piye
B. Ramses II
C. Jebel Barkal
D. Abu Simbel
Answer: A. Piye

Ch. 11/12: The Ancient Hebrews Preserve Judaism

Question: The word exodus means departure. Which departure does the Exodus refer to?

A. the departure from Ur
B. the departure from Canaan
C. the departure from Egypt
D. the departure from Babylon
Answer: C. the departure from Egypt

Question: What was the biggest problem caused by the Jewish Diaspora?

A. It threatened the survival of Judaism.
B. It meant there were many Jewish temples.
C. It led to many wars against the Babylonians.
D. It created many different types of Judaism.
Answer: A. It threatened the survival of Judaism.

Question: What should a historian keep in mind when using the Torah as an artifact?

A. It was written to explain some of the early history of the Jewish people.
B. It was written by people who conquered the ancient Hebrews.
C. It was written as a historical record of the ancient Hebrews.
D. It was written for the people who lived in
Answer: A. It was written to explain some of the early history of the Jewish people.

Question: What did David provide for the Jewish people that they had not had before?

A. strong central government
B. commandments
C. strong weapons
D. sacrifices
Answer: A. strong central government

Question: The Hebrews did not believe their leaders were gods. How did this belief affect their daily lives?

A. They had very few people to serve as leaders.
B. They believed in equality among people.
C. They had a hard time competing with other religions.
D. They believed in many gods leading their people.

6. What was th
Answer: B. They believed in equality among people.