
Xmas Review


Question: If Aiden cuts a cake into 8 pieces and he eats 2, how much cake is left? 
Your answer must be a fraction.

Answer:  6

Question: Which is greater?

 1    or    1
---          ---
 3           4

Answer:  1

Question: How many fourths does it take to make a whole?

Answer: 4 fourths

Question: Name a fraction equivalent to  1

Answer: many answers could be right

Question:  1      1     1      1      1
--- + --- + --- + --- + ---   =
 8      8     8      8      8

Answer:  5


Question: What is a polygon with 5 sides called?

Answer: pentagon

Question: Is a cube a 2D or 3D shape?

Answer: 3D

Question: What are lines that never cross and are always the same distance apart called?

Answer: Parallel Lines

Question: What is a polygon with 6 sides called?

Answer: hexagon

Question: Name 5 quadrilaterals

Answer: square


Question: What is the answer to an addition problem called?

Answer: sum

Question: What is the answer to a subtraction problem called?

Answer: difference

Question: What is a product?

Answer: The answer to a multiplication problem

Question: What do you call the 2 numbers that are being multiplied?

Answer: factors

Question: Hannah has 32 pieces of candy.  She shares them with her 7 friends.  Hannah and her friends each got 4 pieces.

What kind of problem is this?
+, -, x, or division?

Answer: division


Question: round 14 to nearest ten

Answer: 10

Question: Round 278 to nearest hundred

Answer: 300

Question: Round 654 to nearest ten

Answer: 650

Question: Round 102 to nearest hundred

Answer: 100

Question: round 6,432 to nearest ten

Answer: 6,430

Place Value

Question: 3,456
What is the value of the 5?

Answer: 50

Question: 2,7,8,5

What is the greatest number you could make with these four digits?

Answer: 8,752

Question: 12,457

What place is the 1 in?

Answer: ten thousands

Question: which place is tens times the value of the hundreds place?

Answer: thousands

Question: read this number


Answer: I will be the judge