
Under The Sea: A Math Integer Game

Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Integers

Question: Solve the following: 57 + (-77)
Answer: -20 is the sum of the two integers.

Question: Solve the following: -800 * -700
Answer: 560,000 would be the product of the 2 integers.

Question: Solve the following: (-700) + (-28) - 20 * 2
Answer: -768 is the correct answer.

If Emma has $100,087 and Mrs. Blust stole $1,901 of mine, how much will I have left? Write an expression and solve to find how much I have left.

Answer: Expression: $100,087 + -$1,901 = $98,186

Question: Answer all the following questions:
1. If you multiply a negative by a negative, will the product be positive or negative?
2. If you are adding a negative to a positive, and the positive is larger will the answer be positive or negative?
3. When dividing a positive and a negative would the quotient be positive or negative?
4. When subtracting a negative number from a positive number what would it be the same as?

Answer: 1. Positive.
2. Positive.
3. Negative.
4. Adding two positive numbers.

Multiple Stepped Equations

Question: Solve for the variable in the following equation: 50x + -175 = -125
Answer: The variable "x" equals 1.
(x = 1)

Question: Solve the following 2 problems:
1. 18x + (-9) = 9
2. 2x + 3 = 15

Answer: The answers are as follows:
1. x = 1
2. x = 6

Question: Solve for the variable in the following equation:
4(x-3)+ 2x = 36

Answer: In the equation  the variable "x" is equivalent to 8.
(x = 8)

Question: Solve the following two equations:
1. 4x + 2 + 3x + 5 = 49
2. 2(5 + x) - 5(8 x 2) = 800

Answer: The variables are equivalent to the numbers below:
1. x = 6
2. x = 195

Question: Match the equation with what the variable in that equation is equivalent to.
__ 1. 2( x + 4 ) = 16                          A. x = 18
__ 2. x/2 - 6 = 3                                B. x = 11
__ 3. 3x + 5x +4 - x +7 = 88             C. x = 9
__ 4. 5x + 2( x + 10 ) = 83                D. x = 4

Answer: #1 is D (x = 4)
#2 is A (x = 18)
#3 is B (x = 11)
#4 is C (x = 9)

Solving Inequqlities


     -2   -1    0    1     2    3    4
What inequality would this graph represent?

Answer: The graph would represent:
x < 1 or 1>x


     29   30  31  32  33  34  35
What inequality does this graph represent?

Answer: This graph represents the following inequality: x < 32

Question: Graph for the following inequality:
32 greater than or equal to x.


      29  30  31  32   33   34  35

Question: Write an inequality for the following:
An alpaca weighs no more than 64 kg. Write an inequality to represent the weight of this alpaca.

Answer: The variable (w) is less than or equal to 64 kg. 

Question: Match the inequality with it's correct chart.
__ 1. x < 7                       A. <---l---l---l---l---l--->
                                                  5   6  7   8   9
__ 2. x > -35                    B. <-----l-----l-----l-----l-----l----->
                                                   -37 -36  -35  -34  -32

Answer: #1 is A
#2 is B

Add and Sub. Fractions

Question: Add the two fractions and Simplify your answer.
2/10 + 3/10

Answer: These two fractions added and simplified equals: 1/2

Question: Add the two fractions and simplify your answer (if needed).

These fractions added together equal:

Solve the following:
8 7/9 - 2 4/45 - 1/5 
Answer: The following is the difference of these fractions:
6 22/45

Question: Solve the following:
4/25 +2/50 - 7/25 + 8/100 = ?

Answer: These fractions together equal:

Question: Solve the following questions and match them with their answers.
__1. 7/5 + 2/15 - 1/30             A. 1 1/2
__2. 5 1/2 - 3 1/4                    B. 4 1/8
__3. 1 5/8 + 2 2/4                   C. 2 1/4

Answer: #1 = A
#2 = C
#3 = B

Converting Fractions and Decimals

Question: Convert the following fractions into a decimal:
1. 3/4
2. 5/25
3. 4/1,000

Answer: 1. .75
2. .2
3. .004

Question: What would the following decimals be as a fraction:
1. .875
2. .45
3. .7

Answer: 1. 7/8
2. 45/100
3. 7/10

Question: Convert the following:
1. 8.94
2. 1/2
3. 54/1,000
4. 8.756
5. 4/5

Answer: 1. 894/100
2. .5
3. .054
4. 8,756/1,000
5. .8

Question: If Hunter's cupcake recipe calls for .25 cups of flour, but she only has measuring tools the say fractions, which tools should she use?
(Note: The set comes with a 1/4, 1/2, and 1 cup measuring tools.)

Answer: Hunter should use the 2/4 cup and 1/4 cup tools.

Question: Convert these fractions into decimals:
1. 15/20
2. 30/50
3. 12/25
4. 2/5

Answer: 1. 0.75
2. 0.60
3. 0.48
4. 0.40