
Weathering and Erosion 1

Physical weathering

Question: Define "physical (mechanical) weathering"
Answer: The breakdown of rock into sediment by means of physical force

Question: This process causes rock to be broken down through contact with other rock or rock particles.
Answer: Abrasion

Question: This sediment is formed from the repeated physical weathering of rock into individual mineral grains.
Answer: Sand

Question: What process involves plants as an agent of physical weathering?
Answer: root-pry or root-wedging

Question: Describe two mechanical weathering processes that involve water as an agent.
Answer: Ice wedging - water in rock expands as it freezes
Abrasion - flowing water causes rocks to rub against other rock or rock particles.

Stream Erosion

Question: Run-off of water through streams is driven by this force.
Answer: Gravity

Question: Run-off through rivers is maintained by what natural cycle? and is powered by what energy source?
Answer: The water cycle ; the sun

Question: The speed of a stream is directly dependent on what factor?
Answer: The gradient

Question: Where do streams deposit their load and why?
Answer: Inside banks of meanders and near the mouth as a result of a decrease in speed.

Question: Rivers carve down into the land when they carry this type of load, consisting of pebbles and rocks.
Answer: bed load

Coastal Erosion

Question: The main agent of erosion along coastlines is.....
Answer: waves

Question: Identify at least two features (landforms) found along a youthful coastline (erosion dominant).
Answer: Sea cliffs, sea stacks, headlands, sea arches, sea caves

Question: This movement of sediment along a coast may result when waves approach the shore at an angle.
Answer: longshore current

Question: Identify and define two features (landforms) found along a mature coastline along which the coastline no longer recedes.
Answer: beaches, sandbars, barrier islands, barrier spits

Question: Identify the two types of glacial movement and what triggers (causes) each.
Answer: Glacial advance caused by global cooling and glacial retreat caused by global warming.


Question: The movement of ice within glaciers is driven by this force.
Answer: Gravity

Question: Material carried by glacial ice in conveyor belt fashion is called....
Answer: glacial drift

Question: Identify a common erosional feature formed by the movement of continental glaciers over large expanses of land.
Answer: glacial lakes

Question: Identify three features commonly found within glaciated mountains.
Answer: U-shaped valleys ; horns (sharp peaks) ; aretes (jagged ridges) ; cirques

Question: Identify two features formed from material deposited by glaciers AND the type of deposit that forms each.
Answer: moraines (ridges) formed from till (unsorted deposits) and kettles (small round lakes) OR outwash plains formed from stratified drift (sorted deposits)

Chemical weathering

Question: Define the term "chemical weathering"
Answer: The breakdown of rock into sediment through chemical changes (reactions) that form new substances.

Question: Identify the two main agents of chemical weathering.
Answer: Weak acids (in groundwater and precipitation) and air (oxygen).

Question: What occurs during the process of oxidation?
Answer: Oxygen (gas) combines with metal (such as iron) to form an oxide (such as iron oxide = rust)

Question: These plants may cause chemical weathering to rocks they grow on.
Answer: lichen

Question: Caverns often form where this type of rock is located near the surface in a moist climate.
Answer: limestone