
3,4,5 Map Skills I

Hodge Podge

Question: What does Erin ate nine sticky apricots at April's mean?
Answer: Europe
North America
South America

Question: Can you see the constellations big dipper and Orion in the Southern Hemisphere?
Answer: No, because of the rotation of the earth. Constellations are found only in one hemisphere, north or south.  You can not see the southern cross in the northern hemisphere.

Question: What is the world's longest river?
Answer: The Amazon (in South America) is the longest river followed by the Nile.

Question: How many miles between each line of latitude?
Answer: There are 69 miles between each line of latitude.

Question: What is pangaea?
Answer: Pangaea is when all of the continents were once one large supercontinent.

Types of Maps

Question: What is a physical map?
Answer: A physical map shows the rivers, mountains and lakes of a given area.

Question: What information can be found on a weather map?
Answer: A weather map shows weather patterns, such as storms, rainfall, snow fall and drought.

Question: What is a political map?
Answer: It shows boundaries of countries, states and towns.

Question: What is shown on a topographical map?
Answer: It shows contour lines.  The closer the lines the higher the elevation.

Question: What is on a Robinson projection map?
Answer: It shows the world as a flat image.


Question: Which oceans touches North America?
Answer: Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Arctic Ocean

Question: To go from  Beijing, China to Los Angelos, California flying east which ocean do you cross?
Answer: The Pacific Ocean

Question: What is the world's smallest ocean?
Answer: The Arctic Ocean

Question: What is the largest ocean in the world?
Answer: The Pacific Ocean

Question: What is the world's warmest ocean?
Answer: The Indian Ocean


Question: What is the smallest continent?
Answer: Australia

Question: What is the largest continent?
Answer: Asia

Question: Which continents start with A's?
Answer: Australia

Question: Which two continents are islands?
Answer: Antarctica

Question: Which continent has the most countries?
Answer: Africa has 53 countries.


Question: What is the equator?
Answer: An imaginary line that cuts the world into two parts; north and south.

Question: In what hemispheres do you find North America?
Answer: North and West

Question: Which hemisphere has the most water?
Answer: The southern hemisphere.

Question: Which continents does the equator run through?
Answer: Africa, South America and Asia.

Question: Which way do lines of latitude run?
Which way do longitude run?

Answer: Latitude: east and west or around
Longitude: north and south or up and down