

People in Power

Question: Who was the Prime Minister of Germany during WW2
Answer: Hitler

Question: Visited Hitler before WW2 
Mackenzie King

Question: Prime Minister of Japan
Answer: Hirohito

Question: An ally to Hitler
Answer: Benito Mussolini

Question: President of the U.S.A during most of WW2
Answer: Franklin Roosevelt


Question: Biggest concentration camp
Answer: Auschwitz 

Question: Country Neville Chamberlain ruled
Answer: Britain

Question: Countries involved in axis
Answer: Germany, Italy and Japan

Question: Countries involved in allies

Answer: Britain, France, USSR, Canada and the USA

Question: First place Germany attacked
Answer: Poland


Question: Where was the atomic bomb dropped
Answer: Japan

Question: What was Germany's  plan to fix the economy
Answer: To kill all the Jews

Question: What was the Blitzkrieg strategy
Answer: To attack really fast and quick

Question: What guns were used by France in WW2 
Answer: Handguns, rifles, machine guns, tanks, and grenades

Question: How did some Jews attempt to escape the concentration camps
Answer: ran away and hoped they wouldn't get caught 


Question: How many people died from the atomic bomb
Answer: At least 129 000 people

Question: How many Jews died from concentration camps
Answer: 600 000 000

Question: Why did the Americans drop the atomic bombs
Answer: They sent Japan a message to surrender and end the war but they didn't respond  

Question: Did the second atomic bomb cause Japan to surrendor
Answer: yes

Question: Why did Germany back down
Answer: Once Hitler died, people decided to surrender and end the war


Question: Who backed down in WW2
Answer: Germany

Question: When did ww2 start
Answer: September 1st,1939

Question: What happened at Pearl Harbour
Answer: It was a surprise military attack by the Japanese Navy against the U.S.

Question: When did the war at Dieppe start
Answer: August 19th, 1942

Question: When did WW2 end 
Answer: September 2nd, 1945