
Business:The Final Review

Question: profit is the only goal a business has when setting a price.

True or False

Answer: False

Question: Several years of operation are usually required before a new business earns a(n)
a: tax refund
b: award
c: profit 
d: certificate 

Answer: C: Profit

Question: Small business ownership is...
a: made for those who want independence
b: risky
c: made for those with persistence
d: all of the above

Answer: D: all of the above

Question: Money needed for the important resources of a business that will last for many years is...
a: short term financing 
b: start up financing
c: legal financing
d: long term financing 

Answer: D: Long term financing

Question: When you buy the right to sell a product, or service using a companies name, logo, and prescribe method of doing business, you have purchased a...
a: partnership
b: franchise
c: cooperative 
d: sole proprietorship 

Answer: B: Franchise 

Question: Long term financing is the money needed to pay for the current operating activities of a business.

True or False?

Answer: False

Question: The production process of getting goods to consumers usually requires only one business.

True or False

Answer: False

Question: People who become part owners of a corporation are called...
a: partners
b: special owners
c: shareholders
d: cooperative owners 

Answer: C: Shareholders

Question: Which of the following would be most impressed by a business plan?
a: lenders and investors
b: your ex partner
c: your mother
d: none of the above

Answer: A: lenders and invetors

Question: All businesses must raise capital, use human resources, and keep records.

True or False

Answer: True

Question: Centralized agencies deciding to manufacture computers for business and typewriters for families is an example of...
a: for whom to produce in a planned economy 
b: what to produce in a market economy
c: how to produce in a custom economy 
d: what to produce in a custom economy 

Answer: A: For whom to produce in a planned economy 

Question: Which of the following is NOT one of the 5 activities of business managers?
a: planning 
b: purchasing
c: controlling 
d: staffing 

Answer: B: Purchasing 

Question: The type of business that sells directly to the consumer is known as...
a: wholesaler
b: retailer
c: marketer
d: promoter 

Answer: B: Retailer 

Question: Marketing increases our standard of living by helping businesses understand our needs so they can produce the products and services we want.

True or False

Answer: True

Question: The form of a business that represents two thirds of the U.s. business is the... 
a: corporation
b: partnership
c: sole proprietorship
d: cooperative 

Answer: C: Sole propiertorship

Question: A  nations plan for answering the key economic questions is known as... 
a: economic system
b: custom based
c: free enterprise 
d: private enterprise

Answer: A: Economic system

Question: The economic system generally found in countries with democratic governments is...
a: custom based
b: directed or controlled
c: market
d: none of the above

Answer: C: Market

Question: In this economy, the 3 key economic questions are answered through individuals buying and selling activities in the market place...
a: custom based economy 
b: planned economy
c: market economy
d: directed economy

Answer: C: Market economy

Question: Which of the following is not a type of budget?
a: start up budget
b: operating budget
c: inventory budget
d: cash budget 

Answer: C: Inventory budget

Question: The 2 most used financial statements are...
a: balanced sheet
b: pay roll register
c: income statement
d: both A and C
e: both B and C

Answer: D: both A and C

Question: When buyers and sellers decide a price for goods and services, they are involved in...
a: profit motive
b: competition
c: voluntary exchange
d: auctioning

Answer: C: Voluntary exchange

Question: Things that are necessary for survival such as food, clothing, and shelter are...
a: needs
b: wants
c: advertising
d: scarcity

Answer: A: Needs

Question: ____ are principles of morality or rules of conduct.

a: customs
b: traditions
c: cultures
d: ethics

Answer: D: Ethics

Question: Which of the following is the best definition of supply?

a: what consumers are willing and able to buy
b: what producers would like to produce
c: what producers are able to produce at a given price
d: what business would like consumers to buy

Answer: C: What producers are able to produce at a given price

Question: The four marketing mix elements are...

a: marketing, distributing, production, pricing.
b: production, marketing, decision making, advertising.
c: product, place, promotion, pricing.
d: promotion, pricing, distribution, marketing.

Answer: C: product, place, promotion, pricing.