
P & P

Ethical Considerations

Question: What is autonomy?

Answer: Respect the rights of patients or their surrogates to make healthcare decisions.

Nursing Implications- provide info and support to help them make the decision right for them.

Question: What is Nonmaleficence?
Answer: Avoid causing harm

Nursing Implications- don't hurt your patients and prevent them from harm

Question: What is Beneficence?
Answer: What will benefit the patient and balance risks and harms.

Nursing Implications- individualized patient care depending on what would benefit the specific patient.

Question: What is Justice?

Answer: act fairly.

Nursing implications- fairness across the board for each patient.

Question: What is fidelity?

Answer: Faithfulness to patient and their care.

Nursing Implications- never abandon a patient in your care, be faithful to them, and patient's needs come first.

Maslow's Hierarchy

Question: What is the very first level?

Answer: Physiologic Needs

oxygen, water, food, elimination, physical activity, rest, sexuality, temperature, etc.

Question: What is the second level?

Answer: Safety and Security

hand hygiene, proper use of equipment, proper administration of meds, infection prevention

Environmental Dimension pg. 59

Question: What is third level?

Answer: Love and Belonging --needs include family and friends, nurse patient relationship, communication with others, feeling loved and cared for.

Sociocultural Dimension

Question: What is the fourth level?

Answer: Self-esteem-- positive outlook on themselves and life.

Nursing Implications- set attainable goals, and facilitate support from everyone.

Emotional Dimention

Question: What is the fifth level of hierarchy?

Answer: Self-actualization

focus on strengths, must individualize everything, asses, decision making, values, beliefs, and helping others.

Intellectual and Spiritual Dimension

Nursing Values

Question: What is Altruism?
Answer: concern for the welfare and well being of others.
demonstrates understanding of culture and beliefs, and prespectives.
advocates for patients, particularly vulnerable ones.

Question: What is Autonomy?

Answer: right to self determination.
plans care and partnership with patients
honors their right to make their own decision and supports their decision

Question: What is Human Dignity?

Answer: Respect for the worth and uniqueness of individuals and populations.
Provides culturally competent care, protects privacy and confidentiality.

Question: What is Integrity?

Answer: Acting within appropriate code of ethics and standards of practice.
Provides honesty, proper documentation, and corrects errors.

Question: What is Social Justice?

Answer: Upholding moral, legal, and humanistic principles.
Supports fairness and non-discrimination, promotes access to healthcare.

Data Collection

Question: How is temperature regulated? And where can it be measured? Norms?

Answer: regulated by thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus. primary source is metabolism.

routes-- oral, rectal, axillary, tympanic, forehead.

norms-- oral- 98.6 rectal- 99.5 axillary- 97.7 tympanic- 99.5 forehead- 94.0

Question: What is the nurses role in the Hospital?


Question: Pulse descriptors and their norms?

Answer: tachycardia- rapid pulse rate of 100-180

bradycardia- slow pulse rate <60

dysrhythmia- irregular pattern

Question: Pulse sites?

Answer: Temporal- head
Carotid- neck
Brachial- break in arm
Radial- wrist
Femoral- leg
Popliteal- behind knee
Posterior Tibial- ankle
Dorsalis Pedis- top of foot






