
Looking for Pythagoras

Area of Shapes

Question: http://tinkerlab.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/equilateral-triangle1.jpgWhat is the area of this triangle with a Base = 50 inches
                                                               Height =  15 inches

Answer: 375 inches squared

Question: Area of Parallelogram?    Base = 6 yds.
                                      Height=  14 yds.

Answer: 84  yds. squared

Question: What is the area of this compound figure ?

Answer: 757  mm squared

What is the area of this compound figure ?


Answer: 99 meters squared

Question: What is the area of the blue shaded region ? (nearest tenth)

Answer: 10.4  km squared

Pythagorean Theorem


Do the following lengths form a right triangle?

Answer: yes

Question: Do the following lengths form a right triangle?
Answer: yes

Question: Find the missing length.
Answer: 4.47cm

Question: Find the missing length.
Answer: 10

Question: Find the missing side length.
Answer: 16.58

Distance Formula

Question: What is the distance formula?

Question: Find the distance of the line made between the two points.
Answer: 6.3 (square root of 40)

Question: Find the distance between the two points.
Answer: 5

Question: What is the area of this square if its side length is 8.3 cm?

Answer: 68.89 cm squared

Question: What is the area of this shape ?

HINT:  use your distance formula

Answer: 3.92 cm squared

Special Right Triangles

Question: Find the missing side length.
Answer: 7(radical 2)

Question: Find the missing side lengths.
Answer: b = 5(radical 3) 8.66
c = 10

Question: Find the missing side lengths.
Answer: 8(radical 2) = 11.3

Question: Find the missing side lengths.
Answer: g= 10(radical 3) = 17.32

Question: Find the missing side lengths.
Answer: y = 13.86
x = 6.93

Working with Square Roots

Question: Simplify the radical.

Square root of 400

Answer: 20

Question: Simplify the radical.

Square Root of 8

Answer: 2(radical 2)

Question: Radical (5) times 2 Radical (9)
Answer: 6 Radical 5

Question: Solve. Answer must be in simplest form
Answer: 23(radical 2)

Question: Radical (72/16)
Answer: 6 Radical 2/ 4