
Selda, Olivia & Sarah


Question: Nosy... Who? 
Answer: SELDA

Question: Who eats almost every lesson
Answer: HÜLYA

Question: wich 2 teachers have a pug?
Answer: RASMUS

Question: Wich one of our math-teachers spendt their young days, knock over cows?
Answer: JESPER

Question: Wich one of the teachers have many shoes?


Question: who was Juliet in love with?
Answer: Romeo

Question: The black guy in "Shawshank Redemption"s Name?

Answer: Red

Question: Who opened the libary in "Shawshank Redemption"?
Answer: Andy

Question: Who opened the liberary in the "Shawshank Redemtion"?
Answer: Brooks

Question: Who made the film "Romeo and Juliet"?
Answer: Baz Luhmann

Martin Luther King/Rosa Park

Question: Who said the famous line "I have a dream"?
Answer: Martin Luther King

Question: How did Rosa Park get famous?
Answer: Because she stand up for her self

Question: Who help Martin Luther King?
Answer: All the black people 

Question: Why did Rosa Park go to jail?
Answer: Because she wouldn't give up her seat

Question: What was his occupation?
Answer: President 

Saying and idiomes

Question: What does "Have the time of your life" mean?
A) you enjoy yourself very much
B) You enjoy with your friend's
C) you enjoy with your family

Answer: A) you enjoy yourself very much

Question: What does "Break and leg" mean"?
A) good luck
B) bad luck
C) Be careful

Answer: A) good luck

Question: What does "piece of cake" mean?
A) That you consider it to be very easy
B) That you consider it to be very hard
C) That you consider it to be very slow

Answer: A) That you consider it to be very easy

Question: Let's go for a "cup of Joe", what does that mean?
A) A cup of tee
B) A cup of coco milk 
C) A cup of coffee

Answer: C) A cup of coffee

Question: What does "have a ball" mean?
A) you are angry
B) you enjoy yourself
C) you are happy

Answer: B) you enjoy yourself




