
Spanish hope and shane


Question: El padre
Answer: Father

Question: El tio
Answer: Uncle

Question: Laver platos
Answer: To wash dishes

Question: Sacar la basura
Answer: To take out the garbage

Question: Yo tengo dos hermanos.
Answer: I have two brthers.


Question: El peliuquero
Answer: Hair dresser

Question: La carrera
Answer: Career

Question: Ganar
Answer: To earn

Question: Trabajar en la cuidad
Answer: To work in the city

Question: Yo asisto a una universidad.
Answer: I attend university.


Question: El juego de bolos
Answer: Bowling

Question: La aficionada
Answer: Fan (female)

Question: Nadar
Answer: To swim

Question: Cual es tu deporte favorito?
Answer: What is your favorite sport?

Question: Mi deporte favorito es volibol.
Answer: My favorite sport is volleyball.


Question: La torta
Answer: Pie

Question: Las frutas
Answer: Fruit

Question: Ordenar
Answer: To arrange

Question: Poner la mesa
Answer: To set the table

Question: Yo recomendo desayuno.
Answer: I recommend breakfast.


Question: La piel
Answer: Skin

Question: El pelo
Answer: Hair

Question: Ponerse mal
Answer: To become ill

Question: Que tu duele?
Answer: What hurts you?

Question: Yo tengo fiebre
Answer: I have a fever