
Building the American Dream


Question: What is one thing that Edison's invention make better that Bell's, Shole's, and Mergenthaler's inventions did not? 
Answer: It made the streets safer and decreased crime at night.

Question: Where were many inventions on display?
Answer: The Centennial Exhibition

Question: What does a linotype machine produce?
Answer: Books, newspapers and magazines.

Question: Who was I. M. Singer?
Answer: A businessman who was greatly effective in marketing his improved sewing machine because of his innovations in advertising.

Question: What innovation helped Andrew Carnegie produce better steel more quickly and inexpensively?
Answer: The blast furnace


Question: In order to expand, what did industry need?
Answer: Materials and labor.

Question: How did the steel frame help industries and cities to grow?
Answer: More durable structures and bridges to help in transportation of goods.

Question: Why was industry able to attract rural whites?
Answer: Technology caused farms to require less labor requiring farmers to find other means of employment.

Question: What was the National Urban League?
Answer: An organization that helped blacks adjust to city life. 

Question: Who was Booker T. Washington?
Answer: The creator of an institute that taught blacks useful trades and teaching.


Question: What is capital?
Answer: Money that can be used for the creation of business.

Question: What is profit?
Answer: The money that is left over after all business expenditures have been fulfilled.

Question: What is a salary?
Answer: Money that is agreed to be paid for work.

Question: What is piecework?
Answer: Money paid to workers for each product created.

Question: Why are some libraries and other institutions named for wealthy industrialists?
Answer: They supported those institutions through their philanthropic works. 


Question: Horatio Alger was a....
Answer: writer.

Question: The theme of his writing was the idea of going from "rags to riches". What does this mean about achieving the American Dream?
Answer: That with enough hard work and determination, anyone can be successful in America.

Question: Give an example from our book of someone who went from "rags to riches".
Answer: Andrew Carnegie

Question: What is a union?
Answer: Members of the same trade who gather together in order to improve conditions by collective bargaining. 

Question: What is a strike?
Answer: When members of a union agree that no one will work until conditions have been improved.


Question: What religious group did the American Protective Association try to keep from immigrating into America?
Answer: Catholics

Question: The first major wave of Chinese immigrants came after the .....
Answer: discovery of gold in California. 

Question: Who was first called out to break the strike at Andrew Carnegie's plant in Homestead, Pennsylvania?
Answer: Private Guards known as Pinkertons.

Question: Why were federal troops sent to break the strike at the Pullman Plant?
Answer: Railroad workers supported their cause and refused to do their jobs-this halted rail traffic which affected the US .mail delivery

Question: What is a lock out?
Answer: When management replaces union employees with non-union employees.