
cats part 2

Cat Breeds Place of Origin

"La Perm" breed, brought to you from the state where bio-engineering is celebrated with a marionberry pancakes brunch and a trip to the International Rose Test Garden.

Answer: Oregon!

This is a bobtail breed native to:

Answer: Japan (Japanese Bobtail)

They are from what was once Siam

Answer: Thailand (Siamese)

Taylor swift has two of these folded-ear cats from:

Answer: Scotland (Scottish fold)

A huge cat associated with snowy forests. From?

Answer: Norway (Norwegian Forest cat)

Cats and the arts

Question: CATS! is a Broadway musical based on Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by whom?

Answer: T.S. Elliot

Question: Tennessee Williams play made into a 1958 movie starring Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman.

Answer: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Question: Yusuf Islam, better known by his stage name __________, is a famous British musician from the 70's.

Answer: Cat Stevens

200 points for every artist you can name





Answer: a) Salvador Dali and his ocelot Babou
b) Pablo Picasso
c) Frida Kahlo
d) Andy Warhol and one of his 25 cats all named "Sam"
e) Emily Carr

Question: The Duetto buffo di due gatti ("humorous duet for two cats") is a popular performance piece for two sopranos typically attributed to this Italian opera composer, also famous for Barber of Seville and Otello.
Cats, the musical?


Gioachino Rossini


Cats and Putin's regime

Question: What cat accessory comes in either Putin or Kim Jong Il?

Answer: Scratching post!

Question: Who allegedly won a cat fight in 2008. Mikhail Gorbachev's cat or Dmitry Medvedev's cat?

Answer: Mikhail Gorbachev's cat. Medvedev's famous Siberian cat, Dorofey, needed antibiotics after the cat fight and was castrated to reduce the chance of future fights.
Dorofey-lost-cat-625x450Here is Dorofey with the Obamas.
Medvedev likes his cat so much he gave a similar one to former Finland President Tarja Halonen.
image from Dmitry Medvedev′s page on Facebook
and then Putin gave one to the Govenor of Akita Japan, Norihisa Satake.

What group is singing "Putin has pissed himself" in the Red Square?

Answer: Pussy Riot

What is Putin drawing for a Siberian computer class?

Answer: "It's a cat. The rear view."

Question: img-0-8473016.jpg
The man on the left is Jason Singh's catsitter. He doesn't mind watching Onni and Santosh because he lives in a church and doesn't have much else to do. 
Mikhail Lennikov at First Lutheran Church in Vancouver, with his wife Irina and son Dmitri in 2009. Lennikov, a former KGB agent and Burnaby resident, has been living in church sanctuary for four years avoiding deportation.   Photograph By Burnaby NOW - See more at: http://www.vancourier.com/news/ex-kgb-agent-marks-fourth-year-in-sanctuary-1.375748#sthash.KGkxQg72.dpuf
What's this guys's deal?

Answer: This is former KGB agent Mikhail Lennikov and his family. He lives at First Lutheran Church in Vancouver, avoiding deportation to Russia.

Cat Vocab

Question: Domesticated animal reverted back to a wild state
Answer: Feral

The name of this haircut
Answer: Lioncut

Question: Doctors often recommend pregnant women do not clean the litterbox because of potentially severe fetal complications caused by this infection.

Answer: Toxoplasmosis
About 40 per cent of the world’s cat population is infected with Toxoplasma gondii

What's this called? (Hint, you learned it in the last round).

Answer: Polydactylism

Question: British slang for a domesticated cat

Answer: Moggie

Cat facts

Answer: Myth- cats are obligate carnivores

Question: Nepetalactone, derived from this mint plant, is both an effective insect repellant and cat stimulant.

Answer: Catnip

Question: What options do you have when buying a mortgage with Serberbank?
Answer: What kind of cat it comes with of course!

Question: What is NOT true about feline reproduction?
a) Cats reach menopause at around 12 years old
b) Intact female cats go through a heat cycle about every 2 weeks
c) The male cat has barbed penile spines
d) A litter of kittens can be from multiple fathers

Answer: A) Cat's fertility may decline over the years but they can pretty much breed forever. The oldest cat recorded to have a litter was 30 years old (in 1987).
b) True! and if allowed to breed they will have about 150 kittens in their lifetime. Spay and neuter your pets!
c) pain associated with penile spines stimulate ovulation and help clear the vagina of other cat's sperm.
d) It's called Superfecundation. Since the females ovulate when stimulated they can ovulate each time they mate and therefore have a litter with multiple sires as long as the fetuses are close enough in age to be viable at time of delivery.

Question: According to a 1987 paper in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, what are the best floors of a building to throw a cat out of without killing it?

Answer: Anything higher than the7th floor.
after gathering research from veterinary offices they found that the higher up to the 5th floor, the rate of injury increased, after the 7th floor, they reach terminal velocity (60 mph) and spread themselves out to parachute down.