

Bill Of Rights

Question: How many amendments are in the Bill Of Rights?
Answer: 10 Amendments

Question: Why was the Bill Of Rights Necessary?

Question: Can you be trilled twice for the same offense?

Question: Who wrote the amendments that became the Bill Of Rights?

Question: The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to-

A.)Limit the rights of individuals.
B.) Specify the powers of citizens.
C.)Specify the powers of government.
D.)Prove that Bill is right.

Answer: B.)Specify the powers of citizens.

3 Branches Of Government

Question: What are the 3 branches go government?
Answer: Legislative,Executive,Judicial

Question: What are 2 groups that make up Congress?
Answer: 1.House of Representative

Question: What are the qualifications for being president?
Answer: Must be born in the the United state.
Must be at least 35 years old.
Must have lived in the United states for 14 years.

Question: Who settles conflicts between the states?
Answer: Supreme Court.

Question: If the president refuses to sign a bill, what power is he using?

C.)Judicial Branch

Answer: A.)Veto

Original 13 Colonies

Question: Puritans wanted what?
Answer: Religious Freedom.

Question: Fishing and ship building were important here-
A.)The New England Colonies
B.)The Middle Colonies
C.)The Southern Colonies
D.)All 13 English Colonies

Answer: A.)The England Colonies

Question: One of the biggest exports from the New England colony was-

Answer: A.)Fish
But It could of been wheat it a way.

Question: The Jamestown settlers saved their colony by planting-

Answer: A.)Tobacco

Question: Which colony is not New England colony?
B.)Rhode Island 
D.)South Carolina

Answer: D.)South Carolina


Question: What does the word Abolish mean?
Answer: To put an end to.

Question: A way of life is-


Answer: B.)Culture

Question: What is an export?
Answer: Goods that are shipped from one country to another.

Question: A person to come live in a new country for permanent resistance?
Answer: Immigrate.

Question: To leave one country to come and settle in another?
Answer: Emigrant.

The Constitution

Question: What are the 3 branches of Government named in the constitution?
Answer: Legislative,Executive,Judicial

Question: Does the president alone allow to take the nation into war?
Answer: No, The constitution states clearly that only Congress has power to take the nation into war.

Question: How many Amendments are there in the Constitution?
Answer: There are 27 but the first 10 are considered part of the original Constitution.

Question: Has the congress always guided the the country?
Answer: No,Originally  the nation functioned under the Continental Congress and the Articles of Confederation. 

Question: Does the constitution allow the Supreme court to make laws?
Answer: No, It also states in article 1.