
Scholastica Punic Wars

Punic Wars?

Question: Greek Island of Sicily asks Rome for aid their fight against invaders
Answer: 1st Punic War

Question: Greece helps Hannibal to fight his way through Spain
Answer: 2nd Punic War

Question: Romans build a special boarding device on their ships so that they can board Cartheingian ships
Answer: 1st Punic War

Question: Rome is in serious economic trouble because of their wars
Answer: 3rd Punic War

Question: The Battle of Cannae was fought
Answer: 2nd Punic War

Punic Wars?

Question: Sicily is taken by Rome
Answer: 1st Punic War

Question: Hannibal crosses the Alps to Rome
Answer: 2nd Punic War

Question: Carthage is burned to the ground
Answer: 3rd Punic War

Question: Carthage tries to negotiate with Rome by giving Rome their children
Answer: 3rd Punic War

Question: Spain asks Rome for help against the invading Carthaginians
Answer: 2nd Punic War

Early Rome

Question: These people were the first settlers in Italy
Answer: Latins

Question: These people invaded the Latins and took over Rome
Answer: Etruscans

Question: This is the twin that is given credit for starting Rome
Answer: Romulus

Question: Why did the Etruscans want to take the city of Rome from the Latins
Answer: Because Rome was in the middle of their trade route with the Greeks and Phoenicians

Question: The Etruscans rule Rome for how long
Answer: About 100 years


Question: The Aristocrats in Rome were called
Answer: Patricians

Question: The common people in Rome were called
Answer: Plebians

Question: What did the Aristocrats do to get the cooperation of the common peole in the war against the Etruscans

Told them that they would have political power,


Question: What form of government did the Roman Aristocrats start
Answer: A Republic

Question: What two powers of government made up the Repubclic of Rome
Answer: Senate               Two consuls

Odds and Ends

Question: How were the common people given some power in the Republic
Answer: They formed a Tribune and were given VETO power

Question: What form of offense did the Romans use in war
Answer: Phalanx

Question: The wars against Carthage were called Punic Wars because Punic means


Question: Who did the Romans conquere first
Answer: The city-states of Italy

Question: Early civilizations started in Italy in what year
Answer: 700 B.C.