
Wave Jeopardy


Question: This travels the fastest in the universe 
Answer: What is light?

Question: An object that produces light 
Answer: What is a luminous object?

Question: The human organ that receives light 
Answer: What are eyes?

Question: The percentage of the Sun's energy that is carried by light and infrared waves
Answer: What is 90 percent?

Question: The particles in the air do this to blue wavelengths
Answer: What is scatter?


Question: Sound is carried by these
Answer: What are waves?

Question: The human organ that receives sound waves 
Answer: What are ears?

Question: Sound travels the fastest in this state of matter
Answer: What is a solid?

Question: Sound is measured in this
Answer: What are decibels?

Question: The decibel of a whisper
Answer: What is 15 decibels?


Question: A material through which light does not pass through
Answer: What is opaque?

Question: A wave that the sun emits and we try to protect ourselves from
Answer: What are UV waves?

Question: A material that allows almost all light that strikes it to pass through
Answer: What is transparent?

Question: A material that allows most of the light that strikes it to pass through but images may seem blurry
Answer: What is translucent?

Question: The amount of energy that passes through a square meter of space in one second 
Answer: What is intensity?

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Question: Visible to the human eye
Answer: What is light?

Question: This color has the longest wavelength
Answer: What is red?

Question: The wave that has the highest intensity
Answer: What are gamma waves?

Question: The color of the light depends on this 
Answer: What is the wavelength

Question: The wave with the longest wavelength
Answer: What are radio waves

Wave Measurements

Question: Number of waves that pass by a point in one second
Answer: What is frequency?

Question: The length of a wave 
Answer: What is a wavelength?

Question: Maximum distance a wave varies from its rest point
Answer: What is amplitude?

Question: The process in which some sound does not pass through a medium
Answer: What is absorption?

Question: Some of the sound bounces off a medium
Answer: What is reflection?