
lillie chastain

Bill of Rights

Question: How many Bill of Rights are there in the U.S.A?
Answer: 1

Question: How many amendments are there in the original Bill of Rights?

Answer: 10

Question: What year was the bill of rights ratified?
Answer: 1791

Question: What is the 2nd amendment?
Answer: Right to bear arms

Question: Who wrote the Bill of Rights
Answer: James Madison

3 branches of government

Question: how many branches of government is there?
Answer: 3

Question: What branch of government is responsible for making laws?
Answer: Legislative 

Question: what are the names of the 3 branches of government?
Answer: Judicial, Legislative,  and Executive 

Question: How many justices serve on the supreme court?
Answer: 9

Question: The supreme court and other federal courts make up which branch of government?
Answer: Judicial 

the original 13 colonies

Question: What is the capitol of Massachusetts?

Answer: Boston

Question: What year was Jamestown founded?
Answer: 1607

Question: what year did the Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth rock?
Answer: 1620

Question: what year was New York founded?
Answer: 1624

Question: What are the names of the thirteen colonies?
Answer: New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia


Question: What is the right to vote?
Answer: Suffrage

Question: What is the definition of ratify?
Answer: To officially approve something

Question: what is the definition of suffrage?
Answer: voting rights

Question: What vocabulary word describes, the ideas that political authority belongs to the people?
Answer: Popular Sovereignty

Question: what is Federalism?
Answer: the sharing of powers between the government and the states that makeup a country

Declaration of Independence

Question: What year was the declaration of independence written?
Answer: 1776

Question: What day do we celebrate the Declaration of Independence?

Answer: July 4th

Question: Who was the last person to sign the Declaration of Independence?
Answer: Thomas McKean

Question: Who was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence?
Answer: John Hancock

Question: How many people signed the Declaration of Independence?
Answer: 56