
FFA 101


Question: What is the total number of CDE's in the FFA? 
Answer: What is 24

Question: What does CDE stand for?
Answer: What is Career Development Events


How many members are on the Parliamentary Procedure team?

Answer: What is six

Question: Which CDE requires you to know medical instruments and breed identification?
Answer: What is Vet CDE

Question: Which CDE requires you to know breed identification, tools, and pH levels?
Answer: What is Aquaculture CDE


Who was the father of the National FFA Organization?

Answer: What is Harry Groseclose

Question: When was the FFA founded?
Answer: What is 1928

Question: When was the Smith-Hughes Act passed?
Answer: What is 1917

Question: When were girls allowed membership?
Answer: What is 1969

Question: When was the FFA Creed adopted?
Answer: What is 1930

Official Dress

Question: How short can the skirt be for Official Dress?
Answer: What is knee length

Question: How many medals can be worn on the Official FFA jacket?
Answer: What is three

Question: Who can wear the Official FFA jacket?
Answer: What is members

Question: Who wears the Official FFA tie?
Answer: What is male members

Which medals should be worn beneath the name on the right side of the jacket?

Answer: What is Chapter degree, officer and awards medal


Question: What does the owl symbol signify?
Answer: What is wisdom

Question: What does the plow signify?
Answer: What is progress and that tomorrow will bring a new day

Question: What provides the foundation of the emblem?
Answer: What is the cross section of the ear of corn

Question: How many symbols are in the FFA emblem?
Answer: What is five

Question: What is the FFA Motto?
Answer: What is Learning to do, Doing to learn, Earning to live, and Living to serve


Question: I believe in the ______ of agriculture
Answer: What is future

Question: I believe that to ____ and _____ on a good farm, 
Answer: What is live and work

Question: I believe in _______ from ourselves and ______ from others. 
Answer: What is leadership and respect

Question: I believe that ______ agriculture can and will _____ ______ ...
Answer: What is American, hold, true

Question: Who wrote the FFA Creed?
Answer: What is E.M Tiffany