
Chapter 20 Revolutions in Thought

Scientific Revolution

Question: This force pulls one object toward another.
Answer: What is gravity?

Question: This group began the study of the natural world.
Answer: Who were the Greeks.

Question: This man was scolded by the Catholic Church because he claimed that all heavenly objects revolve around Earth.
Answer: Who is Galileo?

Question: This Polish Astronomer was the first to conclude that the sun, not Earth, was the center of the universe.
Answer: Who is Copernicus?

Question: These are the steps of the Scientific Method.
Answer: What are identify a questions, gather info., develop hypothesis, and test hypothesis?

The Rise of Modern Science

Question: This tool allowed people to see distant objects.
Answer: What is a telescope?

Question: This tool was used to measure the temperature of gases and liquids.
Answer: What is a thermometer?

Question: This device uses a lens to magnify objects.
Answer: What is a microscope?

Question: This instrument measures the changes in air pressure.
Answer: What is a barometer?

Question: Name one of three factors that helped renew interest in science.
Answer: What are humanism, global exploration, and the invention of scientific tools.

The Enlightenment

Question: This word describes a ruler who rules with absolute power and authority.
Answer: What is despot?

Question: This is what the three branches of government were designed to do.
Answer: What is limit the power of any one branch?

Question: Only governments based on this have the right to rule.
Answer: What is the will of the people?

Question: These are the three branches of ideal government.
Answer: What are the legislative, executive, and judicial?

Question: According to John Locke, these are the natural rights.
Answer: What are life, liberty and personal property?

Influence of Enlightenment Ideas

Question: This group had the power to replace the English king.
Answer: Who is Parliament?

Question: Colonial governments believed there should be no ___________ without representation.
Answer: What is taxation?

Question: According to the Magna Carta, this is something the King could not do.
Answer: What is tax the people without their consent?

Question: According to the Magna Carta, accused people had the right to this.
Answer: What is a trial by jury?

Question: The Magna Carta stated that the King had to respect this.
Answer: What is English law?

Linking Past & Present

Question: Name one reason religion is important today.
Answer: What is it guides good conduct, helps humans bear sorrows, and answers questions of life and death?

Question: Rights are now extended to these groups of people.
Answer: Who are women and people of all races and ethnicities?

Question: Human rights include this.
Answer: What is life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, privacy, or a decent standard of living?

Question: Because Americans live in a diverse society, they should be ______ of people who are different.
Answer: What is tolerant?

Question: Americans are free to follow this.
Answer: What is the religion of their choice?