

The Roman Republic

Question: The people of the Roman Republic were a blend of who?
Answer: Latins and Etruscans

Question: Who was the last Etruscan king of Rome?
Answer: Tarquin the Proud

Question: The Romans had two rulers called ___________  who were controlled by the __________.
Answer: consuls, Senate

Question: The Romans had two classes of people. The upper class called the ___________ and the lower class called the ___________.
Answer: patricians, plebeians

Question: Why was the Roman Republic formed? 
Answer: To ensure that no single ruler would ever dominate Rome again.

The Battle of Marathon

Question: Why did Darius I want to punish the Athenians?
Answer: They tried to help the Ionians keep from being conquered.

Question: Where did the Persians and Greeks fight their big battle and how far was it from Athens?
Answer: The plain of Marathon, 25 miles.

Question: What were the Greek soldiers worried about after their victory?
Answer: That the Persians would act as if they won and try to take over Athens.

Question: Who was Pheidippides and what happened to him?

Answer: Pheidippides was a runner who ran to Athens to tell of the victory. He died from exhaustion after telling them that they had won.

Question: How did the Athenians commemorate their victory?
Answer: By adding a crescent moon to their favorite coins.


Question: What town was Esther from and who ruled it?
Answer: Susa , ruled by the Persians

Question: How long did King Xerxes party last and how did his first wife , Vashti, become banished?
Answer: 180 days and Vashti refused to dance at the party because it was unseemly and against the law in Persia.

Question: Why did Haman hate the Jews so much?
Answer: Mordecai refused to bow to him.

Question: What happened to Haman?
Answer: The king had him executed for coming up with the evil plot to annihilate the Jews.

Question: What festival is celebrated  to remember that Ester prayed and fasted for Gods intervention?
Answer: Purim

Golden Age of Athens

Question: Who was one of the greatest Greek philosophers who lived during the Golden Age of Athens?
Answer: Socrates

Question: What was Athens known for during the Golden Age?

Answer: Entertainment, art and deep thinking.

Question: Why did Athens have Socrates jailed?
Answer: The authorities were afraid that his speaking would turn people away from democracy.

Question: What poison was Socrates given to Drink?
Answer: A cup of poison hemlock.

Question: What caused Athens to be able to have it's Golden Age?
Answer: A 30-year peace treaty with Sparta.


Question: Who started the first postal system?
Answer: Darius I

Question: How did Darius I  help the Jews rebuild their Temple?
Answer: He found history books that gave a written decree that they could rebuild. He then said they could use the kings money to build it and anyone who interfered would be hung.

Question: Who was Esthers' father in law?
Answer: Darius I

