
CLC Stage-1 Review


Question: quis est in tablino?
Answer: Quintus

Question: Cerberus intrat.  ubi est canis?
Answer: in culina

Question: cibus est in mensa.  quid canis agit?
Answer: canis salit.

Question: Grumio stertit.  cur Grumio surgit?
Answer: canis latrat.

Question: utrum Grumio est furcifer an Cerberus?
Answer: Cerberus est furcifer.


Question: When and where did Caecilius live?
Answer: Caecilius lived in Pompeii, a town in Italy, during the first century AD.

Question: Where do we get our evidence that Caecilius is a historical figure (not a fictitious character).
Answer: From archeological evidence (documents in a strongbox found after excavating (digging up) his house)

Question: Caecilius was wealthy.  Where did his money come from?
Answer: Caecilius' money came from inheritance and from his businesses.

Question: Caecilius' full name was Lucius Caecilius Iucundus.  What information does his name tell you?
Answer: Caecilius was a Roman citizen.

Question: What benefits come from being a Roman citizen.
Answer: Rights and protections
Rights: Could vote
Protections: law protected citizens against unjust treatment.


Who had more freedoms, Roman women or Greek women? 

Answer: Roman women

Question: What sort of home responsibilities did Metella have?
Answer: managed the home
supervised the slaves

Question: What duties did Metella share with her husband?
Answer: Caring for children
responsibility for religious cult of the family
preparing for social occasions
helped in business matters

Question: Which women in that area were required to live in seclusion?
Answer: Greek women
women of the Mediterranean
Women in the Near East

Question: Did Emachia enjoy these freedoms spoken about in this article?
If so, what evidence do we have?

Answer: Yes, she inherited her father's business and built the clothworkers meetinghall in the forum.

Houses in Pompeii

Question: Give one reason why their windows were small and high.
Answer: to let in enough light
to keep out heat in summer
to keep out cold in winter

Question: After passing through the ianua, what was the first room you would enter?
Answer: the atrium

Question: What is the compluvium, and why was it there?
Answer: compluvium: the opening in the atrium roof.

Let in light, 
allowed Romans to collect water

Question: How was the peristylium constructed? (not decorated)
Answer: The peristylium was a court area surrounded by a colonnade with the hortus in the center.

Question: Under what circumstances would someone be invited to the peristylium.
Answer: The person would have to be a very close friend or very important business associate.


Question: From what Latin word does the derivative patrician come?
Answer: pater

Question: What does canine mean?
Answer: having to do with dogs

Question: From what Latin word does sedentary come?
Answer: sedet

Question: What does the derivative culinary mean?
Answer: pertaining to kitchens or cooking.

Question: From what Latin word does deviate mean?
Answer: via