
Careers in Health Care

Educational Requirements

Question: A bachelor's degree requires how many years of college? 
Answer: 4-6 years


When a person fulfills the requirements of education and performance for a career

Answer: Certification


 High school, health occupation, math, science, English, etc. are what type of education?

Answer: Secondary Education


This type of education includes career/technical school, college/universities. 

Answer: Post Secondary Education


Insures that the program of study meets the standards of the profession

Answer: Accreditation 

True or False


You shouldn’t put on gloves before treating a patient who is bleeding.


False you should ALWAYS put on gloves before treating a patient who is bleeding


When weighing a patient balance the scales before the patient steps on




Always wash hands for 10 seconds before cleaning nails and rinsing


False always wash hands for 20 seconds before cleaning nails and rinsing


When feeding a patient offer them a clothing protector (bib) first.

Answer: True


When lifting a heavy object, you should tighten your leg and stomach muscles to protect your spine.

Answer: False only your stomach muscles should be tightened.

Nutrition/Dietary Services

Question: A registered dietician doesn't plan meals for patients.
Answer: False

Question: The dietician assistant prepares food.
Answer: True

Question: A registered dietician analyzes nutritionalcontent of food and balanced meals.
Answer: True

Question: What does the dietician assistant do?
Answer: Delivers trays to patients.

Question: How many years of school do you need to be aregistered dietician?
Answer: 4 years

Therapeutic Services

Question: Provides care for patients with lung disease    

Answer: Respiratory Therapist

Question: Creates a padded obstacle coarse for handicappedchildren
Answer: Recreational Therapist

Question: In this profession one must be artistic &athletic
Answer: Art Therapist

Question: Attends college for 5-6 years; has goodmathematical skills
Answer: Pharmacist

Question: Soldier loses leg in war, this therapist willhelp him/her adapt to life with a prosthetic leg.
Answer: Occupational Therapist

Physician Specialities

Question: True or False: A cardiologist treats people with chest pains.
Answer: True

Question: True or False: A Gerontologist is a doctor that treats elderly.
Answer: True

Question: What is a Neurologist?
Answer: Doctor that treats disorders of the brain and nervous system.

Question: What doctor treats disorders of the skin?
Answer: Dermatologist

Question: What specialist puts people to sleep for surgery?
Answer: Anesthesiologist