
Louisa, Please Come HOme


Question: What two cities does Louisa go to when she first leaves home?
Answer: Cain and Chandler

Question: How long has Louisa been away from her home?
Answer: Three years

Question: Why do you think Louisa chose to go to Chandler?
Answer: It is a big enough city to hide in, there are plenty of places to live, and job  opportunities, she doesn't need a car.

Question: Describe Louisa in the beginning of the story.

Answer: She is angry with her family, she is upset and runs away

Question: How does Louisa change in the middle of the story?
Answer: Louiusa changes her identity and she is happy. She never even thinks about going home


Question: Why do you think Louisa chose the day before her sister's wedding to run away?
Answer: She didn't get along with her sister and was tired of all of the attention she was getting.

Question: What is the relationship between Louisa and her sister Carol?  What quote supports this?
Answer: They do not get along, Louisa says "Carol hated Paul more than she hated me."

Question: How does Louisa feel about Carol when she sees her?   Does Carol feel the same way? Use evidence to support your answer.
Answer: Louisa is genuinely happy to see Carol.

Carol is not happy to see Louisa,

Question: How would you describe Paul, what kind of person is he?  Use evidence from the book to support your answer.
Answer: Paul is deceitful, he threatens Louisa, he tricks her family by bringing home girls that look like Louisa so that he can get the reward.

Question: Louisa and Mrs. Peacock become closer. What evidence shows that they have a good relationship?
Answer: Louisa and Mrs. Peacock read the newspapers together in the morning.  Mrs. Peacock genuinely likes Louisa.


Question: What happens in the beginning of the story?
Answer: Louisa runs away from home the day before her sister's wedding.

Question: What happens in the middle of the story?
Answer: Louisa lives in furnished room in Chandler, she has a job, she changes her identity, makes up a new name and family.

Question: What happens when Louisa runs into Paul?  What does he want?
Answer: Paul threatens Louisa that if she doesn't go home he will tell her parents.  He wants the reward.

Question: What happens when Louisa goes home to Rockville?
Answer: Louisa returns home but her family does not recognize her; they think she is an imposter

Question: What happens at the end of the story?
Answer: Louisa goes home with Paul, she is genuinely happy to see Carol and her family but they do not recognize her

Point of View

Question: What point of view is Louisa, Please Come Home told from?
Answer: First Person Point of View






Question: "I was residing in Chandler. It was a big enough city  for me to hide in."
What is the meaning of the word residing?

Answer: living in a particular place

Question: "I was still wondering when Carol opened the door. 'Carol!' I said. I was genuinely glad to see her.  What is the meaning of the word genuinely?
Answer: truly or sincerely

Question: "I would have sworn that I hadn't thought about Rockville in three years, but I remembered it all precisely, as if I had never been away."
What is the meaning of the word precisely?

Answer: exactly

