
Chapter 3


Question: What is the neuron's information receivers?

Answer: Dendrites

Question: Axons have a coating called the_______. This coating does what?

Answer: Myelin sheath. Protects and increases velocity of action potential

Question: What is the function of Acetlycholine?

Answer: muscle movement and cognitive functioning

Question: Neurons that send messages to your brain that your hand is on a hot stove would be?

Answer: Sensory neurons

Question: What law do neurons operate on?

Answer: all-or-none law


Question: Having problems playing soccer would be related to damage to what part of the brain?

Answer: Cerebellum

Question: What behaviors are associated with the hypothalamus?

Answer: vital: eating, drinking, and sexual behavior

Question: What part of your brain is associated with fear and agression?

Answer: Amygdala

Question: What part of the brain do surgeons remove in order to help stop epileptic seizures?

Answer: Corpus callosum

Question: The re-absorption of neurotransmitters is called what and what does problem does it solve?

Answer: Reuptake; absorbs neurotransmitters that are clogging the synapse

Nervous system

Question: Rest and digest response is associated with what nervous system?

Answer: Parasympathetic

Question: If you put your hand on a red-hot piece of metal, the immediate response of pulling it away would be an example of a(n)_______

Answer: reflex

Question: ______ nervous system is to voluntary movements and organ functioning is to ________ nervous system.

Answer: Somatic; autonomic




Question: What neurotransmitter is linked with depression?

Answer: Serotonin

Question: Alertness and arousal is associated with what neurotransmitter?

Answer: Norepinephrine

Question: What disease is related to acetylcholine?

Answer: Alzhimers

Question: What neurotransmitter lessens pain and boosts mood?

Answer: Endorphins

Question: Glutamate is associated with what function?

Answer: Memory

More Brain!

Question: Two language areas of the brain, what side are they located on, and what do they do?

Answer: Broca's= speaking language and Wernike= understanding language

Question: What part of the brain maintains a constant body temperature and monitors the amount of nutrients stored in cells?And what is this process of maintaining a steady internal environment for the body called?

Answer: Hypothalamus; homeostasis


