
Middle Ages


Question: What was the food that upper class ate limited amount of
Answer: Vegetables

Question: What three meats did lower class and upper class eat
Answer: Beef, Pork, and, Lamb

Question: What was one food upper class ate a lot of that the lower class didn't
Answer: Fish, because lower class could only get fish if they had access to freshwater rivers or seas

Question: What type of food did both classes eat
Answer: Fruit

Question: What did most people drink?
Answer: The poor drank ale, mead and cider. The rich were able to drink many different types of wines.


Question: What was the remedy to fix a bad tooth and how do did they clean a tooth

 To pull it out

Rubbing them with a cloth

Question: Where was bathing usually at
Answer: Most bathing situations were in wooden barrels


Fill in the blank: The practice of covering floors with________

was a real threat to hygiene and health

Answer: Rushes: a marsh or waterslide plant with slender stem-like pith filled leaves

Question: What are garderobes or privies
Answer: These are public bathrooms

Question: What was a another threat to hygiene
Answer: Waste disposal- so much dung and filth were put into ditches, rivers making the air corrupt and infected


Question: What dictated the quality of life during the Middle Ages
Answer: Wealth, power, status, and the feudal system dictated the quality of life during middle ages

Question: Why was life bad for peasants
Answer: They couldn't move up on the feudal system

Question: What was one right that lords and nobles of the lands they owned had over serfs and peasants
Answer: They the right of jurisdiction-extent of authority or control

Question: How many weeks were some sort of holiday, even serfs and peasants had it off
Answer: About eight weeks were free every year

Question: Descrribe 3 differences between a peasant and a noblwoman

-Noble woman had at least 3 meals a day while peasants had to wait to finish their tasks

- Peasants had it especially hard during the summer time having to cut crops, plant seeds, plowing , haymaking, creating boundaries, threshing. Noblewoman would have discussion on betrothals, marriages, poetry, and courtly love, all of which were less laborious.

-Unlike peasants, noblewomen spent leisure time on embroidery and dance practice, peasants spent leisure time eating and spending time with his/her family


Question: What did peasant men wear?
Answer: Peasant men wore stockings or tunics.

Question: What did peasants wear to keep warm?
Answer: Skeepskin cloaks, woolen hats, and/or mittens.

Question: How often did they wash their clothes?
Answer: They almost never washed their outer clothes, but their underwear was regularly washed.

Question: What did peasant women wear?
Answer: Long gowns with sleeveless tunics and wimples to cover their hair.

Question: What showed a sign that you were wealthy?
Answer: Wealthier people had more elaborate brighter colored clothes.


Question: Could anyone be tried and sentence for crimes under Medieval law?
Answer: Yes! There are even reports of animals being tried for injuring or killing people. 

Question: How did Europeans tell time?
Answer: They divided the day into 7 hours of equal length. Since summer days are longer than winter days, a winter "hour" was ~60 minutes long, but a summer one was 150!

Question: What was needed for the "knight on horseback" to be possible? In other words, what would have made them impossible?
Answer: The stirrup. Without this, mounted warriors could not carry heavy armor and weapons and maneuver their horse effectively.

Question: What was a common cure for warts?
Answer: Cobwebs! They were commonly believed to cure them and were used.

Question: What kind of meal was "fit for a king" during the Middle Ages?
Answer: King Richard II of England gave feasts for up to 10,000 people at once! These feasts required 140 hogs, 14 oxen, 12 calves, 12 boars, and 3 tons of salted venison!