
We Beat the Street Jeopardy Show

What Would You Do If..

Question: What would you do if you were offered an opportunity to drop out of school and make fast money?
Answer: The right thing to do would be to turn down that offer and finish school correctly. After finishing school, you can do what you want and become who you want to become.

Question: What would you do if your friend was being bullied by other friends?
Answer: The right thing to do would be to stop that bully by asking kindly. If they don't talk to an adult.

Question: What would you do if a family member fell into drugs?
Answer: This answer will be determined by the host.

Question: What would you do if you witnessed any kind of gang violence?
Answer: Contact somebody that could stop this in an instant.

Question: What would you do if you were involved in a very important situation?
Answer: You should follow your heart. You should also always tell the truth.

What Do You Need To Do..

Question: If you wanted to become a doctor, what would you need to do to reach your goal?
Answer: -Stay in school 
-Try as hard as you can
-Don't fall into something that can get you into trouble

Question: If your friend forces you into doing something that you wouldn't want to do, what would you need to do to get yourself out of it?
Answer: The right thing to do would be to lose all contact from that person or confront them about this problem.

Question: What do you need to do to become your own person? 

Answer: This answer will be determined by the host.

Question: What do you need to know about someone to know that they are true friends?
Answer: There are many things you could do. (Will be determined by host)

Question: What do you need to do to stop a habit?
Answer: You need to let go of whatever it is. Don't think about it, touch it, or breathe near it. Staying away from it will stop you from being addicted or obsessed to it. 

All About Advice

Question: If you notice that your friend has been showing signs of depression, what would you do?
Answer: The right thing to do would be to talk to a trusted adult. You should also help out that friend by talking the situation through.

Question: If you found out that your friend has been overdosing on a medication, what advice would you give them?
Answer: You need to notify their parent(s) or guardian. Make sure that they aren't using that medication anymore: If they have that medication, it could cause a problem.

Question: Who would you need to talk to if you have witnessed something or done something that needs to be cleared?
Answer: This answer will be determined by the host.

Question: How would you get yourself out of a gang related situation?
Answer: Out of a few answers, the host will choose one.

Question: Advice that you would give to somebody about peer pressure.
Answer: Determined by host.

The Right Thing To Do

Question: If a man asked you for money to buy drugs or alcohol, what would be the right thing for you to do?
Answer: Avoid that man or simply say that you do not have any money

Question: If you were offered an opportunity to make money by selling drugs or inappropriate things, what would be the right thing to do?
Answer: The right thing to do would be to avoid that person. Try not to feed off of negative energy.

Question: If your friends decided to skip class, and dragged you along, what would be the right thing to do?
Answer: This answer will be determined by the host.

Question: What would be the right thing to do if you were being bullied?
(Other than talking to an adult)

Answer: Confront that person and stop them before they hurt another person.

Question: What are a few things that you need to do to begin your career after college?
Answer: All groups will name one thing and earn 500 points.

Would You Rather..

Question: Would you rather...
1)Pursue your dream and drop out of school
2)Stay in school and risk not having a chance to pursue your dream

Answer: This is by your opinion.

Question: Would you rather...
1) Let the most important people go to pursue your dream
2) Let your dream go to stay with the most important people

Answer: This is by your opinion.

Question: Would you rather:
-Be a follower and have others make all of your decisions
-Make decisions for others

Answer: This is by your opinion.

Question: Would you rather...
-Become a dentist
-Become a pediatrician

Answer: This is your opinion.

Question: Who would you rather be?

Answer: This is your opinion.