
Quarter 1 Review (9th)


Question: Define Stress.
Answer: A state of mental or emotional strain or suspense.

Question: What are 3 warning signs of depression?
Answer: Self-harm, making a suicide plan, physical complaints, substance abuse, sudden change in moods

Question: Define Depression.
Answer: An uncontrollable illness; Usually doesn't go away on its own; If left untreated, may lead to serious consequences, including suicide.

Question: What is ONE way to distinguish the difference between a teenager being depressed and a teenager just acting like a normal "moody" teenager?
Answer: Possible options:
-The symptoms last at least 2 weeks without a break
-There is a CLEAR change from the teen's normal mood or behavior
-Symptoms are observed in several different contexts (home, school, work, friends), suggesting they're not just a reaction to a specific problem. 

Question: Name and describe each stage of the G.A.S.
Answer: Stage 1- Alarm Stage: Fight-or-flight response, increased HR & BP, pupils dilate, increased adrenaline secretion, etc.
Stage 2- Resistance Stage: Body attempts to regain internal balance
Stage 3- Exhaustion Stage: Results from being in stage 1 for too long; Harmful effects on the body.


Question: What is the recommended amount of physical activity?
Answer: At least 60 minutes of MVPA a day. 

Question: What are the 5 food groups?
Answer: Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy, Grain, Protein

Question: How many calories should an average teen (14-18 years of age) consume per day?
Answer: 2,000 - 2,500

Question: What is the F.I.T.T. principle?
Answer: Frequency

Question: What are the 5 health-related fitness components?
Answer: Muscular Strength
Muscular Endurance
Cardiovascular Endurance
Body Composition


Question: Define Bullying.
Answer: Aggressive, intentional behavior that involves an imbalance of power and/or strength.

Question: What are the 5 types of bullying?
Answer: Physical, Verbal, Relational, Damage of Property, Cyber Bullying

Question: Besides the target and the bully, what are the other 4 roles in bullying situations?
Answer: Assistor, Reinforcer, Bystander, Defender

Question: What are the two types of aggression and how are they different?
Answer: Proactive - The aggressor gets something out of it
Reactive - Revenge; Retaliation

Question: How is the role of the bystander different in the online environment versus in the "real life" environment?
Answer: In the online environment, anyone who sees the "aggression" online is considered a bystander (infinite bystanders);


Question: What are the 3 wellness components of health?
Answer: 1. Physical
2. Mental/Emotional
3. Social

Question: Define Advocacy.
Answer: The act of supporting a cause or proposal 

Question: Besides .gov, .org, and .edu, what are other indicators that a source is 'reliable'?
Answer: - The author's has credentials that match the field of study
- Spelling/Grammar
- Date created/published
- etc. 

Question: What are the 6 Dimensions of Health and Wellness?
Answer: 1. Physical
2. Emotional
3. Intellectual
4. Spiritual
5. Social/Interpersonal
6. Environmental

Question: Name the 7 Health Standards. 
Answer: 1. Core Concepts
2. Accessing Information
3. Self-Management
4. Analyzing Influences
5. Interpersonal Communication
6. Decision-Making and Goal-Setting
7. Advocacy




