
Fahrenheit 451 Part 3 Game


Question: Three people turned Montag in. Name them.
Answer: Mrs. Phelps, Mrs. Bowles, and Mildred.

Question: Name the character Montag remembers as he is walking along the train tracks.
Answer: Clarisse.

Question: Name the character that Montag visits before he leaves the city.
Answer: Faber.

Question: Name the character Montag runs into in the forest after leaving the city.
Answer: Granger.

Question: One character wanted to die in Part 3 of Fahrenheit 451. Name this character.
Answer: Beatty.

Just the Facts

Question: Instead of using kerosene, Beatty wants Montag to use this to set his house on fire.
Answer: A flamethrower.

Question: The Mechanical Hound manages to do what to Montag as he is leaving it behind?
Answer: Inject Montag with toxin.

Question: The event that begins to take place in the city as Montag and the people he meets are walking away.
Answer: War/Bombings.

Question: Montag tells the the group that he thinks he might have Ecclesiastes.  He thinks he might know some of what other book?
Answer: Revelation.

Question: Montag tells Granger he does not have anything to offer the group, however he says he thinks he has Ecclesiastes.  Where is he keeping it and why does Granger say he has just become invaluable?
Answer: In his mind.  He is invaluable because there is only one other person they know of that has memorized that book; if that person dies, Montag IS Ecclesiastes.

Analysis Questions

Question: Montag stops at a home as he runs away.  Name the family of the home he stops at and the reason why he stops there.
Answer: The Black family.  To plant a book.

Question: Name two ways Montag escapes the Mechanical Hound.
Answer: Disguising his scent with different clothes/alcohol; jumping in the river.

Question: Granger welcomes Montag "back from the dead." Explain what he means when he says this.
Answer: The government has killed an innocent citizen in Montag's place to end the search.

Question: Montag pictures Mildred being hit by a bomb.  What does he remember right after this?  Why is that important?
Answer: He remembers where he and Mildred met.  Important because it shows Montag is becoming free from the society he was a part of, free from the clouded thoughts, has control of his mind, etc.

Question: Each of the men (including Montag) represent what in the group Montag meets?
Answer: A specific book/piece of literature.

Analysis Again

Question: When Montag begins his escape, the police suggest that everyone do something at the same time. What is this and why do they suggest it.
Answer: Open their windows at the same time so they can potentially spot Montag on the run.

Question: Montag thinks of something when he smells the hay. Explain what this is.
Answer: A farm where he stayed as a child.

Question: The phoenix is a strong symbol in Fahrenheit 451. Explain what a phoenix is and its relevance to the story.
Answer: Mythical bird that bursts into flame when it dies and rises from its own ashes.  Representative of society in F451 fixing itself and having to burn away before rising again. Depicted literally by the men Montag is with that have memorized books walking away from the city on fire.

Question: Granger says they are going to build a "mirror factory."  What type of figurative language is this and what does Granger mean when he says this?
Answer: Metaphor.  He means that as a society they all need to reflect and look at theirselves, their mistakes, etc. so the same mistakes are not made again.

Question: In Part 3, as Montag leaves the city he escapes by following a train track, finally meeting a group of people who all have something in common. Explain what it is that group has in common. Then, explain why the path Montag took when escaping is significant and what it adds to the story.
Answer: Group has in common the fact that they have all memorized books (rote). Montag's path is significant because he is travelling away from technology toward a less advanced version of society, indicating that may be the way to solve some of society's problems that have developed in the world of F451.

Parts 1 and 2

Question: In Part 1 of Fahrenheit 451 it is explained that there is a minimum speed limit in this society rather than a maximum. Explain why this is and what is achieved by this.
Answer: Citizens can not focus on any details and can not learn anything from their surroundings. Are distracted by the ability do do something daring.

Question: Mildred and Clarisse both act as this literary element in Fahrenheit 451. Name two ways they contrast each other.
Answer: Character foils. Answers vary.

Question: In Part 2 Montag has a realization about the outside world in comparison to how citizens live in the United States. Explain this realization.
Answer: Other countries may be living in poverty, are underfed, overworked, etc. while Americans are distracted by technology, etc.

Question: Explain the relevance of the Sand and the Sieve.  What is the scene it is referencing and why is this important?
Answer: Scene in the subway where Montag remembers trying to keep sand in a sieve for a bet from his cousin as a child. Metaphor for him trying to keep words in his mind.

Question: There are three characteristics Faber believes books to possess. Name them.
Answer: Quality (pores and texture - detail). Leisure to digest what you read. And the right to act on the first two.