
Keeping it Safe

At Your Service

Question: What should be used to remove ice from the ice machine?

Answer: A scoop

Question: How should utensils be carried?
Answer: By the handle

Question: How should coffee cups be carried?
Answer: By the handle

Question: How should plates be carried?

Answer: By placing the hand under the plate or the thumb along the rim

Question: What 2 things can be used to handle ready to eat foods?

Answer: Gloved hands or tongs


Question: Why is lifting properly so important?

Answer: To keep you back safe/To protect your back

Question: Once you have assessed the load and have your feet in the proper position, how should you lift?
Answer: By bending your knees and lifting with the legs

Question: Once you have lifted an item, how should you carry it?

Answer: Close to your body

Question: If you need to set an item down on a table to the left of you, how would you do it?
Answer: Move your feet to put yourself in front of the table. Don't twist your back

Question: What item can be helpful for carrying a heavy object?
Answer: A cart or a hand truck

Burn Baby Burn

Question: While working in the kitchen you should assume all pans are

Answer: HOT

Question: When stirring something on the stove, what should you use along with a metal spoon?
Answer: A dry towel wrapped around the utensil

Question: What is a landing spot?
Answer: A place you have planned out in advance where you will put your hot items

Question: To prevent burns, what is the procedure for putting items in a hot pan?
Answer: Use tongs and lay the item in carefully

Question: Why can't we use wet towels or wet pot holders to touch hot items?
Answer: Because water conducts heat and you could get a steam burn


Question: You don't want to put your hand in the mixing bowl until this happens
Answer: The mixer stops spinning

Question: What speed should you leave the mixer on when you are done using it?
Answer: Low speed

Question: Before turning on the mixer, these two things must be secure:
Answer: The bowl and the attachments

Question: What does it mean when we say "don't tag team" the mixer?
Answer: One person is responsible for both scraping the bowl and turning on the mixer

Question: What is the purpose of the guards on the mixers?
Answer: They keep people safe by preventing people from sticking something in the mixer while it is running

A Little of This, A Little of That

Question: What is the Spanish word for "Hot"
Answer: Caliente!

Question: Name 3 ways people can contaminate food
Answer: 1. Touching hair/face/any part of body
2. Wearing a dirty uniform
3. Coughing/sneezing into their hand
4. Touching a pimple or open wound
5. Spitting/smoking/eating
6. Not washing hands properly

Question: Why can't we put moist food or moist fry baskets into hot oil?
Answer: The moisture will cause the oil to crack and spatter

Question: Why shouldn't nail polish or false fingernails be worn in the kitchen
Answer: Because they can hide dirt and can chip or break off into food.

Question: Name 4 instances when you should wash your hands
Answer: 1. Before starting work
2. After using the bathroom
3. After touching hair, face, body
4. After washing dishes
5. After taking out the trash
6. After handling money
7. After clearing tables or bussing dirty dishes
8. Before and after handling raw beef, poultry, seafood