
Elemental Jeopardy

Are You In Your Element?

Question: This Explosive Group is known for reacting with Oxygen and Water. Cesium is a uncommonly known element in this family.
Answer: Alkali Metals

Question: Also known as chalcogens this family is so close to having a full shell. They only need 2 more elctrons which they can easily take from Alkali-Earth Metals
Answer: The Oxygen Family of Group 16.

Question: These crystallogens made up of 1 non-metal, 2 metalloids, and 2 Post-transition metals. The most famous of them are often found in jewelry stores.
Answer: Carbon Group.

Question: Very reactive describes this family with much to lose with an outer shell that is only too close to being full.
Answer: Halogens

Question: Wolfram, Hydragyrum,Molybdenum.... Surely that is enough figure this group out.
Answer: Transition Metals


Question: Very reactive and highly explosive, this metal adds a little spice.... If you know what I mean....
Answer: Sodium

Question: This Alkaline-Earth metal is used often in the radiology field because of its high density especially for X-Rays of the digestive tract where the patient will have it as a "meal" (Ba)
Answer: Barium

Question: Hydragyrum: Hydr- Water , argyros- Silver
Answer: Mercury

Question: A Diatomic Element this is the most reactive element as well as a halogen. It is often used in Teflon an Insulator.
Answer: Flourine

Question: A Colorless Noble Gas this non-metal is most Famous and creates the bright lights of Vegas.
Answer: Neon

The Beginning of the End

Question: This scientist originally started the periodic table with a game of Chemical Solitaire.
Answer: Mendeleev

Question: Each square on the table includes:(Name 2 of the 4)
Answer: An element’s name, chemical symbol, atomic number, and atomic mass.

Question: Definition: Characteristics are repeated over time.
Ex: Days in a week. (Mon., Tue., Wed., Thur., Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon., (ETC.)
Answer: Periodic, Periodically.

Question: Three types of elements.
Answer: Metals, Non-Metals, Metalloids

Question: The Periodic Law states that:
Answer: The repeating chemical and physical properties of elements change periodically with the elements’ atomic numbers.

Decoding the Table

Question: Name three shared characteristics of metals.
Answer: Malleable, Ductile, Shiny, Good Conducter: Heat/Electrical

Question: What are metalloids.
Answer: Metalloids have the characteristics of both Metals and Non-Metal

Question: Name two Characteristics of non-metals.
Answer: Brittle, Dull, Insulators

Question: Daily Double Questions! What are the rows and columns called in the Periodic Table.
Answer: Periods; Families, Groups

Question: What are metalloids sometimes referred to.
Answer: Semiconducters

Bonus Questions

Question: Name 2 elements from the Alkali Metals
Answer: Lithium(Li), Sodium(Na), Potassium(K), Rubidium(Rb), Cesium(Cs), Francium(Fr)

Question: Three letters mean that?

Answer: The element has not been named.

Question: What is the Latin name for Tungsten
Answer: Wolfram

Question: What are the two groups of elements taken out of the periodic table to make it shorter?
Answer: Lanthanides and Actinides

Question: Parenthesis around the atomic mass no. means what?
Answer: That is the elements most common form or least reactive isotope.