
SOCI 101 Jeopardy Round 2

Capitalism and the Economy

Question: This French word is used to designate the Owners of the Means of Production under a Capitalist system.
Answer: What is Bourgeoisie?

Question: In Marx's Theory of Historical Materialism, this is the stage the precedes Capitalism.
Answer: What is Feudalism?

Question: "Big-time" college athletes are an example of this type of worker because the products of their labor do not belong to them.
Answer: What is an Alienated Worker?

Question: According to Weber, this type of organization is "technically superior" to all other forms because it is the most efficient.
Answer: What is a Bureaucracy?

Question: This sociologist theorized about the development of monetary payment systems, from piecework to wage labor to salaries to honorariums. 
Answer: Who is Georg Simmel?

Authority and the State

Question: According to Weber, this type of authority derives its power from the personal appeal of its leader.
Answer: What is Charismatic Authority?

Question: This type of power is exercised through legitimate and impersonal means in order to command others and make decisions.
Answer: What is Authority?

Question: This type of power is exercised by those who possess or control the society's most valued power resources in order to limit the ability of others to act.
Answer: What is Dominance?

Question: Under this political system, power is diffused among many groups and interest groups act as mediators between those in power and the masses.
Answer: What is Pluralism?

Question: This entity is said to have a monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force.
Answer: What is the State?


Question: This term is used to characterize time, places, people, and objects that are ordinary or mundane.
Answer: What is Profane?

Question: This term refers to the set of sacred beliefs that so commonly accepted by most members of a society that it becomes a part of the national culture.
Answer: What is Civil Religion? 

Question: According to Weber, this religion is thought to provide the framework for capitalism.
Answer: What is Protestantism / Calvinism? 

Question: This term is used to describe the feeling that is generated by a group when they engage in the same behaviors at the same time with a common goal or purpose; it excites and unifies the group.
Answer: What is Collective Effervescence? 

Question: This term refers to phenomenon in which religious bodies that experience high tension with existing social environments grow larger over time and are transformed into a more "safe," low-tension organization.
Answer: What is the Sect-Church Cycle?

Science and the Environment

Question: Science conducted within an establish paradigm is known as this.
Answer: What is Normal Science?

Question: This term describes the efforts to maintain a border between legitimate and illegitimate science.
Answer: What is Boundary Work?

Question: This term is used to describe a society that works to mitigate or lessen the impact of external and manufactured risks.
Answer: What is a Risk Society?

Question: This term describes the phenomenon in which past attention and success leads to future attention and success.
Answer: What is the Matthew Effect?

Question: This concept refers to the differential access to the Internet and other technologies by socioeconomic status, urbanicity, and country.
Answer: What is the Digital Divide?

Collective Action and Social Movements

Question: This theory states that in order for social movements to emerge and be successful, organizations must be an active hub for distributing time, money, labor, and other resources.
Answer: What is Resource Mobilization Theory?

Question: This theory states that certain conditions are needed for the development of a social movement, and the strength of the collective behavior is gained with each successive stage.
Answer: What is Value-Added Theory?

Question: This term refers to sustained efforts of collective action.
Answer: What is a Social Movement?

Question: This term refers to the response of authorities to protest activity in which concessions or co-optations are made.
Answer: What is Facilitation?

Question: The recent Occupy and Tea Party movements are examples of this type of social movement because they target the entire society and seek radical social change.
Answer: What is a Revolutionary Movement?