
MOD A Week 1


Question: 1)    Which is NOT a function of the integumentary system?
a)    temperature regulation
b)    protection
c)    shape
d)    sensations

Answer: shape

Question: 2)    Melanin is a ____ pigment.
a)    yellow
b)    red
c)    blue
d)    brown

Answer: brown

Question: 3)    Subcutaneous tissue
a)    attaches skin to muscles
b)    attaches skin to bones
c)    has receptors for sensation
d)    is made up mostly of collagen fibers

Answer: attaches skin to muscles

Question: 4)    Sebaceous glands secrete
a)    sweat
b)    water
c)    oil
d)    bile

Answer: sweat

Question: 5)    A blocked sebaceous gland can lead to
a)    freckles
b)    vitiligo
c)    psoriasis
d)    acne

Answer: acne


Question: 6)    Which is NOT a symptom of a first-degree burn?
a)    red
b)    blister
c)    pain
d)    mild swelling

Answer: blister

Question: 7)    Vitiligo is
a)    hives
b)    loss of pigment in the skin, in patches
c)    erosion of the epidermis
d)    scar formation

Answer: loss of pigment in the skin, in patches

Question: 8)    Which disorder of the skin is characterized by red patches with white, silvery scales?
a)    scleroderma
b)    psoriasis
c)    cellulites
d)    scabies

Answer: psoriasis

Question: 9)    Tinea is a ____ infection.
a)    viral
b)    bacterial
c)    fungal
d)    parasitic

Answer: fungal

Question: 10)    To be absorbed, calcium needs which vitamin?
a)    vitamin A
b)    vitamin C
c)    vitamin D
d)    vitamin K

Answer: vitamin D


Question: 11)    A person who lacks all pigment is referred to as
a)    pale
b)    blotchy
c)    rubrous
d)    an albino

Answer: an albino

Question: 12)    Which statement is NOT true of sebaceous glands?
a)    secrete an oily substance that lubricates the skin and hair
b)    gland activity increased at puberty
c)    secrete a thin, watery substance essential in cooling the body
d)    located around hair follicles

Answer: secrete a thin,watery substance essential in cooling the body

Question: 13)    Which is the most dangerous type of skin cancer?
a)    basal cell carcinoma
b)    squamous cell carcinoma
c)    malignant melanoma
d)    nevus

Answer: malignant melanoma

Question: 14)    Scar tissue
a)    lacks a blood supply
b)    lacks nerve tissue
c)    may form a keloid
d)    All choices are correct

Answer: All choices are correct

Question: 15)    Which statement is NOT true of the epidermal layer?
a)    it is the top layer of the skin
b)    it is thicker than the dermal layer
c)    the outer cells are filled with keratin
d)    some cells produce melanin

Answer: it is thicker than the dermal layer


Question: 16)    Dermis:
a)    Basal layer of skin
b)    Middle layer of skin
c)    Epithelial layer
d)    Above the epidermis
e)    Subcutaneous tissue

Answer: Middle layer of skin

Question: Growth extending from the surface of a mucous membrane

Answer: polyp

Question: Wearing away or loss of epidermis

Answer: erosion

Question: Smooth edematous area that is redder and paler than surrounding skin

Answer: wheal

Question: Solid, round or oval elevated lesion equal to or more than 1 cm in diameter

Answer: nodule





