
Espanol 3 Repaso Para el Examen Final


Question: What is the capital of Spain?
Answer: Madrid

Question: What is the nickname for Costaricans?
Answer: Ticos

Question: What is the name of the most importante Plaza en Madrid?
Answer: Plaza Mayor

Question: What is the name of the volcano in Costa Rica with one of the biggest craters in the world?
Answer: Poas

Question: Who was Cervantes?
Answer: famous Spanish writer that wrote Don Quijote.


Question: How do you say mailbox in Spanish?
Answer: buzon

Question: How do you say dangerous in Spanish?
Answer: peligroso

Question: How do you say towards in Spanish?
Answer: hacia

Question: How do you say bridge in Spanish?
Answer: puente

Question: How do you say cheap or stingy in Spanish?
Answer: tacano


Question: What are the 3 steps to form the subjunctive?
Answer: 1. take yo
2. drop - o
3. add opposite endings

Question: What is the subjunctive of hacer/ella?
Answer: haga

Question: What is the subjunctive of ponerse/ tu
Answer: te pongas

Question: What are 3 of the 6 irregulars in the Subjunctive?
Answer: Dar, Ir, Ser, Haber, Estar, Saber

Question: Translate to Spanish... It is possible that you have a test.
Answer: Es posible que tengas un examen.

Por vs. Para

Question: Yo voy a salir________ Puerto Rico manana.
Answer: para

Question: Ella estudia mucho _______ sacar buenas notas.
Answer: para

Question: Give 3 uses of para..
Answer: destination, employment, recipient, comparison, opinion

Question: Give 3 uses of Por
Answer: in exchange, period or duration of time, location, through, by, along

Question: Translate to Spanish... We walk through the jungle in order to see the monkeys.
Answer: Caminamos por la selva para ver los monos.


Question: How do you form the future tense?
Answer: 1. take infinitive
2. don't drop -ar, -er, or -ir
3. add endings

Question: Which forms have accent marks in the future?
Answer: all except for nosotros

Question: name 3 of the irregulars
Answer: tener, salir, poner, venir, hacer, decir, valer

Question: Future of mi familia/ viajar


Question: conjugate llegar in all the forms of the future

llegaré     llegaremos

llegarás    llegaréis

Llegará     llegarán