
Economy, Trades, Medici family

True Or False

Question: Did religion and culture matter in the middle age?
Answer: True

Question: Many cities dropped and the population augmented therefore it was a good idea to tax the people?
Answer: False

(Many Cities Grew)

Question: Is Florence often named as the birthplace of the Renaissance?
Answer: True

Question: All voyage was often paid for investors?
Answer: True

Question: Were many things updated during the Renaissance?
Answer: True 

Full sentence

Question: Why did the Medici family have power? 
Answer: They were wealthy and had power because they dominated more than one industry. They also played a large role of the commencing of art and the political development. 

Question: During the Renaissance people studied what to complete their religious beliefs?
Answer: They studied their morals and frames in order to complete their religious beliefs

Question: Why were the people more taxed?
Answer: Because, the trades increased and the cities grew fast and the population changed from an agriculture life style to the city life. 

Question: What were the countries that influenced Italy and changed the country in a negative way, with their rules? 
Answer: France, Spain, England

Question: How come sailing was mostly known as a safer option then by travelling by foot?
Answer: Because, it was much faster and the only few roads that did exist were taking by walking thieves. 

Fill out the blanks

Question: Many cities ---- and the ----------- augmented. Therefore it was a good idea  to --- the people. 
Answer: Many cities GREW and the POPULATION augmented. Therefore it was a good idea to TAX the people

Question: Renaissance " French for "-------"

Question: The renaissance was mostly described and know as --- and ----------. It remains -------------. 
Answer: The renaissance was mostly described and know as ART and LITERATURE. It remains INSPIRATIONAL. 

Question: Humanism also changed the --------- of the --------- since the people began their own opinions. 
Answer: Humanism also changed the BEGINNING of the DEMOCRACY since the people began their own opinions. 

Question: Navigation wasn't as it was ----- during the -----------. Sailors were more ----------- into the way the navigated the sea. 
Answer: Navigation wasn't as it was TODAY during the RENAISSANCE. Sailors were more perseverant into the way the navigated the sea. 

Who and Who? Or Where?

Question: Who was mostly in charge the poor or the wealthily?
Answer: The wealthily 

Question: Who had it more rough the Medici family or the Traders?
Answer: The Traders had it more rough. 

Question: Where did the Renaissance mainly start? And to what did Italy become important to?
Answer: It mainly started in Europe, Italy. Italy has become important to trade centers and commercials. 

Question: What were Portuguese map makers called?
Answer: Cartographers 

Question: Who took complete charge in the Florentine Renaissance or at least claimed?
Answer: The Medici Family

Do you remember?

Question: Do you remember who ruled Florence?
Answer: The Medici family

Question: Do you remember the 3 useful political changes that still help us now?
Answer: -Christianity from politics
- Humanism 
- Heredity 

Question: Do you remember why sailing was much better than walking on foot.
Answer: Because, it was faster; for example got traders done faster. And their were only a few good roads. *( Full of thieves)*

Question: Do you remember if the Medici family were influential to the commencing of art and the political development in the city? 
Answer: Not necessarily. Many recent historians have argued that the Medici family was not influential in the Florentine renaissance and that their role was mostly over exaggerated. 

Question: Do you remember the large part that the Medici family played in the Florentine Renaissance? 
Answer: - The commencing of Art
- Political development