
Nifty Fifty Northeast #3


Question: Which of the Great Lakes borders Pennsylvania on the northwest?
Answer: Lake Erie

Question: What historic river forms the eastern border of Pennsylvania?
Answer: Delaware River

Question: What two states border Pennsylvania on the west?
Answer: Ohio and West Virginia

Question: What state has the longest border with Pennsylvania on the south?
Answer: Maryland

Question: What two states border Pennsylvania on the east?
Answer: New Jersey and New York


Question: What Pennsylvania city is located where the Ohio, Allegheny, and Monongahela Rivers meet?
Answer: Pittsburgh

Question: In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed in which southeastern Pennsylvania city located on the Delaware River? This city also houses the Liberty Bell and was once the capital of the United States.
Answer: Philadelphia

Question: On Groundhog Day, people watch the famous weather-forcasting groundhog called "Punxsutawney Phil." This animal lives in which city in west-central Pennsylvania?
Answer: Punxsutawney

Question: What mountain range runs through Pennsylvania?
Answer: Appalachian Mountains

Question: Carlisle is _____ of Mansfield.
Answer: South


Question: What is the capital city of Delaware?
Answer: Dover

Question: What state borders Delaware on the west?
Answer: Maryland

Question: What state borders Delaware on the north?
Answer: Pennsylvania

Question: What state is across the water from Delaware on the northeast?
Answer: New Jersey

Question: What large body of water (a bay) borders Delaware on the northeast?
Answer: Delaware Bay


Question: What is the name of the river that flows into the north end of this bay?
Answer: Delaware River

Question: This bay opens to which ocean?
Answer: Atlantic Ocean

Question: What is the name of the large city in northeastern Delaware?
Answer: Wilmington

Question: Delaware is the second smallest state in the USA. About how wide (east to west) is this state at its widest point: 50 miles, 100 miles, 200 miles, or 300 miles?
Answer: 50 miles

Question: In which part of the USA is Delaware located? (name its region)
Answer: Northeast

Delaware - Massachusetts

Question: Dover is _________ of Newark.
Answer: Southeast

Question: List three bays that border Delaware.
Answer: Rehoboth Bay, Indian River Bay, and Delaware Bay

Question: What is the capital of Massachusetts?
Answer: Boston

Question: What two states border Massachusetts on the north?
Answer: Vermont and New Hampshire

Question: What two states border Massachusetts on the south?
Answer: Connecticut and Rhode Island