
2nd Grade Math Jeopardy

Number Sense

Question: Claudia's collection has four hundred sixty-five stickers. What is another way to write the number?
Answer: 400 + 60 + 5

Question: What number is 30 more than 529?
Answer: 559

Question: Show 365 using base-ten blocks.
Answer: Boards should show 3 flats, 6 longs, and 5 cubes.

Question: Megan wrote this counting pattern. Write the two numbers that are next.

154, 164, 174, 184, _______, _______
Answer: 194, 204

Question: Write the number 342 two different ways.
Answer: Examples:

Drawn with base ten blocks (3 flats, 4 longs, 2 cubes)
300 + 40 + 2
three hundred forty-two

Word Problems

Question: Alec read for 54 minutes on Tuesday. He read for 38 minutes on Wednesdays. How much longer did he read on Tuesday?
Answer: 16 minutes

Question: Taylor and Molly made $345 on the first day of their bake sale. They made $126 on the second day. How much did they make altogether?
Answer: $471

Question: There were 38 students on the playground at recess. Some more students came out to join them. Now there are 72 students on the playground. How many students joined them?
Answer: 34 students

Question: Daniel and Finn organized the library. They sorted 52 fiction books, 49 nonfiction books, and 27 biographies. How many books did they sort in all?
Answer: 128 books

Question: Corinne had 127 blue beads and 81 red beads. She made a bracelet for her mom using 149 beads. How many beads did she have left?
Answer: 59 beads


Question: Which unit would you use to measure the soccer field: feet, inches, or yards?
Answer: yards

Question: What would be a good estimate for a park bench: 1 foot, 16 inches, 4 feet, or 4 yards?
Answer: 4 feet

Question: Nico went to the library at 3:45. He spent 1 hour and 10 minutes there. What time did he leave?

Question: Daphne and Bea went to the Murch playground at 11:30 AM. They left at 2:15 PM. How long were they there?
Answer: 1 hour 45 minutes

Question: Robbie went to bed at 8:45 PM. He woke up at 6:15 AM. How long did he sleep?
Answer: 9 hours 30 minutes


Question: Olivia bought a candy bar for $0.45. She didn't get any change back. What coins could she have used?
Answer: answers vary--examples include:

1 quarter & 2 dimes
1 quarter, 1 dime, and 2 nickels
9 nickels
4 dimes & 1 nickel

Question: Harry has 1 quarter, 4 dimes, 2 nickels, and 3 pennies. How much does he have?
Answer: $0.78

Question: Giacomo has 2 dollars and 2 quarters. He buys an eraser for $1.10. How much does he have left?
Answer: $1.40

Question: Phillip had 3 dollars, 2 quarters, 3 dimes, 1 nickel, and 2 pennies. He bought a candy bar for $1.15. How much does he have left?
Answer: $2.72

Question: Emma S. had a 5 dollar bill. She bought a pencil for $1.30 and an eraser for $0.65. How much change did she get back?
Answer: $3.05


Question: Write the name of a shape with 5 angles.
Answer: pentagon

Question: What is the name of a shape that looks like a can of soup?
Answer: cylinder

Question: Which 3-d shape has 6 square faces?
Answer: cube

Question: Which shape is a basketball?
Answer: sphere

Question: Draw 3/6. Write a fraction that is equal to 3/6.
Answer: Shape should have 6 parts with 3 shaded. 1/2 is equal to 3/6.