
Math 3

Place Value

Question: What is the place value of 7 in the number 657?
Answer: ones

Question: What is the place value of the 8 in the number 832?
Answer: hundreds

Question: What do we call 10 tens?
Answer: 100

Question: What is the number 592 written in expanded form?
Answer: 500+ 90+2=592

Question: How many hundreds do you have if you have 900?
Answer: 9

Skip Count

Question: What are the next three numbers? 55,60,65
Answer: 70,75,80

Question: What are the next three numbers? 230,240,250
Answer: 260,270,280

Question: What are the next three numbers? 655,660,665
Answer: 670, 675,680

Question: What are the next three numbers? 850, 855,860
Answer: 865,870,875

Question: What are the next three numbers? 500,600,700
Answer: 800,900,1,000


Question: 55+60=
Answer: 115

Question: 850+10=
Answer: 860

Question: 788+100=
Answer: 888

Question: 44
+ 24

Answer: 156

Question: 635

Answer: 1,383


Question: 55-10=
Answer: 45

Question: 544
- 100
Answer: 444

Question: 225
- 123
Answer: 102

Question: 352
- 149
Answer: 203

Question: Which is greater 300-10 or 300-100
Answer: 300-10

Kitchen Sink

Question: How much money is 1 ten dollar bill, 1 half dollar, 2 dimes, 1 nickel, and 9 pennies?
Answer: $10.84

Question: If a toy costs $5.00 and you pay with a $20.00 bill, how much change will you get?
Answer: $15.00

Question: Joe has 51 toy cars and Jerry has 34 toy cars. How many do they have altogether?
Answer: 85

Question: Sue has 47 rosaries, but she needs 230. How many more does she need to make?
Answer: 183

Question: Jack has 59 apples and Drew has 91 apples. They sell 62 apples. How many apples do they have left?
Answer: 88