
American History 2

People of the American Revolution

Question: He wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Answer: who was Thomas Jefferson?

Question: He was the leading general of The American Revolution and the first president of the United States.
Answer: Who was George Washington?

Question: He wrote the pamphlet Common Sense which influenced the American colonists.
Answer: Who was Thomas Paine?

Question: The general for the British forces during the American Revolution who lost the Battle of Yorktown.
Answer: Who was Cornwallis?

Question: He opposed the Constitution until a bill of rights was added.
Answer: Who was Patrick Henry?


Question: Every 5 slaves would equal 3 people for representation and taxation purposes.
Answer: What was the 3/5 Compromise?

Question: It created a 2-house legislature with the number of representatives in one house being based on population, and the other having 2 for each state.
Answer: What was the Great Compromise?

Question: Missouri entered as a slave state, Maine entered as a free state, and it banned slavery above the 36 degree latitude line.
Answer: What was the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

Question: It sent more financial aid to the south, troops would be withdrawn from the south, and African Americans' rights would be maintained in the south.
Answer: What was the Compromise of 1877?

Question: California would be a free state, New Mexico would have no slavery restrictions, New Mexico would win the border dispute with Texas, the slave trade would be abolished in DC, and there would be stronger fugitive slave laws.
Answer: What was the Compromise of 1850?

Roots of the Constitution

Question: An English philosopher who believed that all people have natural rights to life, liberty, and property.
Answer: Who was John Locke?

Question: A movement of the 1700's that promoted knowledge, reason, and science as the means to improve society.
Answer: What was the Enlightenment?

Question: It was passed in England in 1689. It was a model for the US Bill of Rights.
Answer: What is the English Bill of Rights.

Question: It was passed in 1215 in England. It placed limits on the power of the Monarch and created a Parliament.
Answer: What was the Magna Carta?

Question: He was a Frenchman who said that the powers of the government should be separated and balanced against each other.
Answer: Who was Baron de Montesquieu?


Question: 1492.
Answer: When did Columbus sail to and discover America?

Question: 1607.
Answer: When was Jamestown founded?

Question: 1776
Answer: When was the Declaration of Independence signed?

Question: 1763.
Answer: What was the Proclamation that limited colonial expansion?

Question: 1787.
Answer: When was the US Constitution ratified?

Constitutional Vocabulary

Question: It means to approve a document.
Answer: What is ratify?

Question: It is a special group that elects the president.
Answer: What is the Electoral College?

Question: A system to keep any one branch of government from gaining too much power.
Answer: What is checks and balances?

Question: The sharing of power between the federal and state governments.
Answer: What is federalism?

Question: Supporters of the new constitution.
Answer: Who were Federalists?