
End of Year Review

Compare these fractions

Question: Which fraction is bigger?



Answer: 3/4

Question: Which fraction is bigger?



Answer: 4/5

Question: Which fraction is bigger?



Answer: 2/12

Question: Which fraction is smaller?



Answer: 5/6

Question: Which fraction is smaller?



Answer: 5/6

Write an algebraic equation

Question: Gordon had 13 CDs until he won c more in a contest. Choose the expression that shows how many CDs Gordon has now.

13 + c

13 – c


c – 13

Answer: 13 + c

Question: Molly ate g out of 91 gumdrops. Choose the expression that shows how many gumdrops Molly has left.


91 + g

g + 91

91 – g

Answer: 91 – g

Question: Arjun picked plums off a tree in the yard. He gave 44 plums to a neighbor and had 35 left. Which equation, when solved, will tell how many plums Arjun picked?

35 + p = 44

p × 44 = 35

p – 44 = 35

p + 44 = 35
Answer: p – 44 = 35

Question: A glass company needs to ship 60 glass vases to another city. Each box can hold 15 vases. Which equation, when solved, will tell the number of boxes the company will use?

4 ÷ b = 15

b – 15 = 60

60 ÷ b = 15

b ÷ 15 = 60
Answer: 60 ÷ b = 15

Question: A sports league divided all the players into 8 teams. Each team had 11 players. Which equation, when solved, will show how many players are in the league?

8 ÷ p = 11

p ÷ 8 = 11

p – 8 = 11

Answer: p ÷ 8 = 11

Change the fraction to a percent

Question: Change this fraction to a percent:

Answer: 75%

Question: Change this fraction to a percent:

Answer: 80%

Question: Change this fraction to a percent:

Answer: 25%

Question: Change this fraction to a percent:

Answer: 50%

Question: Change this fraction to a percent:

Answer: 83%

Integer Addition

Question: -6 + 2 =
Answer: -4

Question: -2 + 4 =
Answer: 2

Question: 0 + -8 =
Answer: -8

Question: -5 + -2 =
Answer: -7

Question: -3 + 6 =
Answer: 3

More Word Problems

Question: The newspaper reported that 440 people went to the mall on Saturday. The same number of people went to the mall on Sunday. How many people went to the mall for the entire weekend?

Answer: 880

Question: Ms. P read 21 books. Each book had exactly 2,010 words in it. How many words did Ms. P

Answer: Answer:
21 x 2010 = 42210
She read 42,210 words.

Question: Michelle has $80 to buy a new outfit. She found a skirt for $20, a blouse
for $25, and a belt for $8. How much does she have left to buy shoes?

Answer: Answer:
80 – 20 – 25 – 8 = 27
She has $27 left.

Question: Ashley paid $4.16 for a sandwich. She paid $0.95 for a piece of fruit.
What is the total amount Ashley paid for the sandwich and fruit?

Answer: Answer:
4.16 + 0.95 = 5.11
She paid $5.11.

Question: Gabriel owns 83 sets of basketball cards. Each set has exactly 504
cards. What is the total number of basketball cards Gabriel owns?

Answer: Answer:
83 x 504 = 41832
He owns 41,832 cards.