
Anatomy and Physiology Overview

Basics of A & P

Question: What organ system functions in speedy communication and control?
Answer: Nervous system

Question: What is a positively charged ion called?
Answer: cation

Question: What level of body organization is made up of multiple organs?
Answer: System level

Question: What is the branch of science that deals with the STRUCTURE of organisms?
Answer: Anatomy

Question: Which part of the cell is the "powerhouse" of the cell?
Answer: Mitochondria

Integumentary System

Question: What is the medical term for the sweat glands?
Answer: sudoriferous

Question: Name one function of the integumentary system.
Answer: protection
regulation of body temperature
sensory reception
synthesis of vitamin D

Question: Which layer of skin contains the blood vessels?
Answer: dermis

Question: Which layer of the integumentary system is avascular?
Answer: epidermis

Question: What medical term means the excretion of sweat?
Answer: hydrosis

Cardiovascular System

Question: Name the 5 types of white blood cells.
Answer: basophils

Question: What is the medical term for the contraction of the heart?
Answer: systole

Question: Which chamber of the heart receives blood from the pulmonary vein?
Answer: left atrium

Question: What is the innermost layer of the heart called?
Answer: endocardium

Question: What is the name of the sound heard in a vessel that has some occulusion?
Answer: bruit

Nervous System

Question: What is the long part of the cell that conducts the nerve impulse to the terminal endings?
Answer: axon

Question: What structure helps to move the nerve impulse quickly down the nerve cell to the next nerve cell?
Answer: myelin

Question: What structure connects both hemispheres of the brain?
Answer: corpus collosum

Question: Which part of the nervous system is responsible for the "fight or flight" response?
Answer: autonomic nervous system

Question: Which lobe of the brain is primarily responsible for problem solving?
Answer: frontal lobe

Endocrine System

Question: What is the main function of the endocrine system?
Answer: slow control of bodily functions

Question: Above what organ are the adrenal glands located?
Answer: Kidney

Question: What is considered the "master gland" of the body?
Answer: pituitary gland

Question: Name one site that is affected by growth hormone.
Answer: bone, muscle, adipose tissue

Question: What are the two hormones from the pituitary gland that control the ovaries?
Answer: LH (leutenizing hormone)
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)