
Reading Facts 2


Question: Which animal has smooth skin?
Answer: frog

Question: Which animal can jump farther?
Answer: frog

Question: True or False..... some frogs have teeth
Answer: true

Question: A toad catches flies with its____________.
Answer: tongue

Question: Why do flies stick to a toad's tongue?
Answer: It is sticky.


Question: What word names a strong metal?
Answer: steel

Question: What word means bragged?
Answer: boasted

Question: What word means getting away from something?
Answer: escaping

Question: What is another word for person?
Answer: human

Question: What word tells that hunters had to stay where they were placed?
Answer: stationed


Question: Which is longer a centimeter or a meter?
Answer: meter

Question: How many centimeters are in a meter?
Answer: 100

Question: A mile is a little more than ____________feet.
Answer: 5,000

Question: How far is it across the United States (West to East)?
Answer: 2,500 miles

Question: How far is it across the United States (North to South)?
Answer: 1,300 miles

Random facts

Question: What are the drops of water you find on the grass early in the morning called?
Answer: dew

Question: A water has a _________.
Answer: skin

Question: Dew forms when the air gets ___________.
Answer: cooler

Question: If tiny animals fall from high places, they don't ______ _________.
Answer: get hurt

Question: Which has a tall straight trunk, a forest tree or an apple tree?
Answer: forest tree


Question: When we talk about how hot or cold something is, we talk about______________.
Answer: temperature

Question: When the temperature goes up, the number of __________gets bigger.
Answer: degrees

Question: What is the boiling temperature of water?
Answer: 212 degrees

Question: Does a housefly weigh more or less than a gram?
Answer: less

Question: Does a table weigh more or less than a gram?
Answer: more