
Spring Semester 8th Grade History 2

Which Came First?

Question: Germany invades Poland: Germany invades Denmark and Norway
Answer: Germany invades Poland

Question: Germany invades Netherlands, Belgium and northern France: Germany invades Denmark and Norway
Answer: Germany invades Denmark and Norway

Question: Germany launches an air attack on Great Britain: Germany invades Netherlands, Belgium and northern France
Answer: Germany invades Netherlands, Belgium and northern France

Question: Germany launches an air attack on Great Britain: Germany, Italy and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact
Answer: Germany launches an air attack on Great Britain.

Question: Germany, Italy and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact: D Day
Answer: Germany, Italy and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact

Which Came First Again?

Question: D-Day: US troops land in Italy
Answer: US troops land in Italy

Question: D-Day: FDR dies
Answer: D-Day

Question: V-E Day: FDR dies
Answer: FDR dies

Question: V-E Day: First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
Answer: V-E Day

Question: First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima: V-J Day
Answer: First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

Not That!

Question: Why didn't the US join WWII earlier?
Answer: We didn't want to get involved in another war.

Question: What happened when the US cut off supplies to Japan?
Answer: The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.

Question: What did Churchill say had descended on Eastern Europe?
Answer: An Iron Curtain

Question: Built in 1961 to keep Easterners to flee to the west
Answer: The Berlin Wall

Question: Bombs aimed at the US; Bombs aimed at USSR
Answer: Cuban Missile Crisis

Civil Rights

Question: Started the Civil Rights movement
Answer: Rosa Parks refused to move to the black section of the bus.

Question: Rode buses to test the segregation laws
Answer: Freedom riders

Question: Encouraged non-violent demonstrations
Answer: Martin Luther King Jr.

Question: Allowed Blacks to stay in hotels and motels and eat in restaurants
Answer: Civil Rights Act of 1964

Question: State one phrase from "I Have a Dream" and expound on it.
Answer: You know if you know it....

More Info, Please!

Question: NATO
Answer: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Question: Korean War
Answer: Fought between Soviet backed North Korea and US backed South Korea

Question: DMZ
Answer: 2-mile wide demilitarized zone between North and South Korea

Question: US Peace Corps
Answer: Created by Kennedy to provide opportunity for Americans to help in needy countries.

Question: Problems faced by Johnson while in office
Answer: Cold War; Racial tension; Vietnam War