

Question: Who make steamboat
Answer: Henry Bell

Question: Who made the cotton gin?
Answer: Eli Whitney

Question: Who made the photo phone
Answer: Alexander Graham Bell

Question: Created the telegraph
Answer: Samuel F.B. Morse

Question: Mad an arc lamp
Answer: Sir Humphrey Davy

Question: Soaring
There not a star in heaven that they can't reach
Answer: The wright brothers

Question: Who made the underwater telegraph that went under the Atlantic Ocean?
Answer: Cyrus Field

Question: Invented the Kodak Camera
Answer: George Eastman

Question: Made a sewing machine, not necessarily for the home
Answer: Elias Howe

Question: Who made a gun based on a seed planter?
Answer: Richard Gatling

Question: Developed and manufactured the first automobile that average American could afford
Answer: Henry Ford

Question: Who invented the reaper?
Answer: Chris McCormick

Question: Who created the well known mathematical diagram known as the Venn Diagram?
Answer: John Venn

Question: Made the first engine to run on alcohol and first mechanical loom
Answer: Edmund Cartwright

Question: Used assembly lines in his factory
Answer: Henry Ford

Question: First successful commercial steamboat
Answer: Robert Fulton

Question: Who had 3 patents for his invention of the liquid fueled rocket ?
Answer: James Goddard

Question: Discovered chlorine, iodine, and made an arc lamp.
Answer: Sir Humphrey Davy

Question: Who made the sewing machine for the home
Answer: Isaac singer

Question: AC electricity was invented by who?
Answer: Nikola Tesla

Question: Lightbulb
Answer: Thomas Edison

Question: Rudolf Diesel made what?
Answer: Diesel engine

Question: Who created vaccines for anthrax, cholera, and small pox.
Answer: Louis Pasteur

Question: Who made a steam locomotive
Answer: George Stephenson

Question: Who invented the telephone?
Answer: Alexander Graham Bell