
Ch. 13 and 16 Review


Question: Celebrated for it's height, gilded ceilings and commanding architectural design, this Christian church was one of the hallmarks of Justinian's legacy.
Answer: Hagia Sophia

Question: Although a strong trading center, Medieval Europe include the Byzantine empire saw growth of agriculture with this invention
Answer: Molboard Plow or Three field system or Horse collars

Question: Under the Abassid empire, Baghdad was the cultural supremacy of trade and arts, the Byzantine empire developed this city as its commercial/cultural center
Answer: Constantinople

Question: The theme system asked this of their civilians in exchange for land
Answer: Military service

Question: The central location here in Turkey, allowed for strategic military and economic influence
Answer: Bosporous

dar al-Islam

Question: In Arabic, it means submission to the will of God.
Answer: Islam

Question: The study of astronomy and improvements to the astrolabe can be attributed to this pillar of Islam
Answer: Prayer (Salah)

Question: This sect of Islam was highly successful at spreading the faith outside of Arabia and was heavily influenced by the cultural interactions in South/South East Asia
Answer: Sufism

Question: The ______ are to Muslims as the ____________ is to Buddhists
Answer: Five Pillars
Eight Fold Path

Question: Islamic governments sponsored these facilities to provide ease of trade and transportation - Name 3
Answer: Maintained roads

Schisa-what? Schisa-who?

Question: These two sects developed of the Christian faith after the Great Schism of 1054
Answer: Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church

Question: Pope Leo III created political legitimacy for the Roman Catholic church through this royal act
Answer: Crowning Charlesmagne as Emperor

Question: Daily Double: The Petrine theory espoused this belief about the rightful successor of the Christian church
Answer: Successors of St. Peter (the bishop of Rome) is the rightful heir instead of the successors of the Roman empire (Byzantines)

Question: While Emperors in the East resisted papal attempts to interfere in religious issues, other minor issues developed to justify the Great Schism including
Answer: Use of leavened/unleavened bread OR Greek/Latin versions of the Bible OR Celibacy of priests

Question: Many turned to the Byzantine emperor to spiritual and political guidance; this policy of secular and spiritual authority is often referred to as
Answer: Caesaropapism


Question: When looking at the social hierarchy of European feudalism, you find this group as feudal defenders
Answer: Knights/Nobles

Question: If the King provides money, army on demand, bestows land on his many nobles then what do the vassals provide in return?
Answer: Military service and Food

With the decline of cities after the fall of Rome, the lack of structured urban environments affected trade and people in these ways
Answer: Distrupted trade
People migrated out of cities and sought local protection

Question: At the bottom of the Japanese feudal hierarchy, you find Artisans/Merchant then Peasants then Samurai; these groups contrast with the next three above them
Answer: Daimyos, Shogun, Emperor

Question: Feudalism is based, especially in Japan, around this class of people
Answer: Warriors/Military

Islamic Empires

Question: After the death of Muhammad and several assassinations of the early caliphs excluding Abu Bakr, this tribe emerged to form the first expansive Islamic empire
Answer: Umayyad

Question: These two sects of Islam emerged because of a disagreement over who the rightful successor was after Muhammad.
Answer: Sunni and Shi'a

Question: This dynasty is often attributed with the Islamic Golden Age of science, technology and literature
Answer: Abassid

Question: No religious leader could follow Muhammad, so political authority rested in this position
Answer: caliph

Question: The Islamic Empire, which coincided with the beginning of Islam was ruled by this form of government
Answer: Theocracy