
American Revolution Jeopardy

The Colonists

Question: If you and your family wanted to be free from British rule, you were called a…
Answer: Patriot

Question: Who were the minutemen?
Answer: Members of the militia who were ready to fight at a moment's notice. They were expected to get ready for war in just minutes.

Question: Why was the number 13 important to Patriots?
Answer: There were thirteen colonies

Question: Three men rode and gave warning of a British attack. Name one of the three men.
Answer: Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Dr. Samuel Prescott

Question: Describe what the first national flag looked like:
Answer: The flag had 13 red and white stripes and 13 white stars on a blue background

The British

Question: If you and your family remained loyal to the King, you were called a...
Answer: Loyalist

Question: Why were some of the British soldiers called “Lobsterbacks” by the colonists?
Answer: They were called these names because of the color of their uniform

Question: What did the Loyalists celebrate instead of the Fourth of July?
Answer: The King's birthday

Question: What was one of the ways Loyalists identified each other?
Answer: They asked each other what they had to eat and both would have to respond with the word, "Tea."

Question: What was the name of the King?
Answer: King George III

Acts and Protests

Question: What was the law called that forced the colonists to pay extra money for newspaper, card games, dice games, and diplomas?
Answer: The Stamp Act

Question: The colonists were angered by a tax on one, particular item. What was that item?
Answer: Tea

Question: What happened on December 16, 1773 at Boston Harbor?
Answer: The Boston Tea Party, when the Patriots dressed as Mohawk Indians and dumped tea into the harbor

Question: After the dumping of tea, how did the King punish the colonists?
Answer: He closed Boston Harbor until the colonists paid for the tea and apologized

Question: Finish the sentence: No taxation, without...
Answer: representation!

Major Events/People

Question: Where did the first battle of the American Revolution take place?
Answer: Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts

Question: A fight broke out and British soldiers fired upon the colonists, killing five of them. What was this event called?
Answer: The Boston Massacre

Question: Who was the first African American killed during the American Revolution?
Answer: Crispus Attucks

Question: What important document was signed on July 4, 1776?
Answer: The Declaration of Independence

Question: Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Answer: Thomas Jefferson


Question: Boston is located in which state?
Answer: Massachusetts

Question: Who disguised herself as a man in order to join the Continental Army?
Answer: Deborah Sampson

Question: After the American Revolution, who went on to become the first president of the United States?
Answer: George Washington

Question: When people fight to replace one government with a different government, it's called a:
Answer: Revolution

Question: List five of the thirteen original colonies.
Answer: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia